Home » Predicted the victory of five US presidents Professor made a prediction

Predicted the victory of five US presidents Professor made a prediction

by alex

Joe Biden and Donald trump

Professor at the American University in Washington, D.C. Allan Lichtman, predicted the victory five presidents, made a forecast for the presidential election in November. It is reported by CNN.

To determine the winner, the historian uses its own system of “13 keys”, which assesses factors such as the economy, job title, social unrest and scandals, as well as the personal charisma of the candidates. “The secret is to follow a General pattern. And pay no attention to polls, analysis, the daily UPS and downs of the rating,” revealed the secret of your system Lichtman.

Arguing about who wins the presidential election in 2020, the Professor suggested that the incumbent President will lose the White house. Thus he predicted the victory of Democratic candidate Joe Biden.

Lichtman accurately and precisely predicted the outcomes of elections since 1984, when for the second term elected Ronald Reagan. The only prediction that failed to materialize, is associated with the candidate in presidents from Democratic party albert Gor. The historian predicted his victory in 2000, and Gore really could win the popular vote, if the Supreme court ruled to stop the recounting of votes of voters of Florida, in connection with which the presidency went to George W. Bush. Thus, the Professor insists on the accuracy of all his predictions.

Allan Lichtman, an American historian and political scientist. Famously using the author’s method of nine times accurately predicted which candidate will become President of the United States. He predicted the election trump in 2016, but at the same time made a prediction about his impeachment. He claimed that the head of state shifted from the post of President of the United States Congress, where most Republicans have. The tip of the Republican party prefers to see the leader of the country’s favourites paired with trump’s Vice-President Mike Pence, whom she knows and trusts.

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