Home » Russia has criticized the fight of trump with TikTok

Russia has criticized the fight of trump with TikTok

by alex

Maria Zakharova

The decree of the President of the United States of Donald trump “About combating the threat TikTok” is a violation of a wide range of international obligations to ensure the free flow of all forms of information, selection of its sources and encouraging cooperation in this area. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova; her words are on the Agency’s website.

The diplomat said that ban American citizens to cooperate with TikTok based on unsubstantiated accusations. According to her, Washington shows another example of unfair economic competition for dominance in the international information space. “The actions of the US authorities are at variance with basic principles of free market economy and violate WTO rules,” — said Zakharov.

Criticizing the decree of trump, she urged the US to reconsider its methods of struggle for the monopoly of the American IT giants in the international segment of the social networks and bring them into line with accepted democratic values and international legal norms.

The decree “On combating the threat TikTok” trump signed on 7 August. A similar document was concerned with other mobile app — WeChat. The decree stated that the distribution in the States of the applications that have been developed in China and owned by Chinese companies, “threatens national security, foreign policy and the U.S. economy.” In addition, it was argued that TikTok collects a large quantity of user data, including location and search history. The white house fears that in the future the Chinese authorities will have access to personal information of citizens of the United States.

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