Home » In India, seven people died in a fire in the hospital infected with the coronavirus

In India, seven people died in a fire in the hospital infected with the coronavirus

by alex

The hotel of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, which is now used as a hospital for infected with a coronavirus, in the fire killed at least seven people and another 15 were injured. On Sunday, August 9, reported the TV channel NDTV, reports TASS.

It is clarified that the fire occurred in the city Vijaywada due to short circuit. All the injured extra was taken to hospital, some in critical condition, said police.

According to the channel, due to fire patients started to panic, therefore several people jumped from the Windows. Overall, the building had been treated 22 patients.

In India today there are of 2.08 million people infected with coronavirus. The country is in third place in the list of the most affected from infection States.

On the eve of President Vladimir Putin in an address to the Indian leader RAM Nath kavindu and the Prime Minister of India Narendra modi expressed his condolences in connection with the rigid fit of the liner of airline of Air India, which killed 20 people.

It is noted that injured 120 people. Injury 15 of them doctors estimate as serious. The circumstances and the event reasons are investigated by the team from the Main Directorate of civil aviation of India.

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