Home » A man dressed as a bear walks from Los Angeles to San Francisco

A man dressed as a bear walks from Los Angeles to San Francisco

by alex

A man dressed as a bear walks from Los Angeles to San Francisco

The traveler decided to walk several hundred kilometers without any goal. He did not set any high goals for himself, he just made such an impulsive decision, reports Reuters .

Jesse Larios named his character Bearsan, he invented this costume himself. The length of its route is 644 kilometers, the journey began on April 12. On the way, he makes stops to eat and sleep. Larios admitted that it was an impulsive act that he had not planned in advance. Also, the 33-year-old man noted that he was pleased with the attention of the press.

The American opened an account on the GoFundMe platform, where people from all over the world managed to raise more than $ 7 thousand for him. He said that when he gets to San Francisco, he will arrange a vote to decide what to donate this money to.

Recall that in October 2020, the MIR 24 TV channel talked about a blogger from Tver who goes to India. And in December last year, after a quarrel with his wife, an Italian walked more than 400 kilometers in a week.

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