Home » Why Orban’s proposal is not a peace plan: a member of the Polish Sejm explained

Why Orban’s proposal is not a peace plan: a member of the Polish Sejm explained

by alex

Why Orban's proposal is not a peace plan: a member of the Polish Sejm explained Irina Marciasz

A member of the Polish Sejm explained why Orban's proposal is not a peace plan/Photo Office of the President

On Monday, July 1, the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU began. That is why the head of the Hungarian government, Viktor Orban, visited Kyiv for the first time in 12 years.

He aimed to show himself as a serious European politician, open to various topics and capable of presiding over the EU. This was stated by the Chairman of the Council for Cooperation with Ukraine, deputy of the Polish Sejm Pavel Kowal.

What the deputy of the Polish Sejm said about “peaceful Orban's plan

Pavel Koval noted that Orban's proposal to Ukraine is not actually a peace plan, but an encouragement of impunity for violence.

< p>The Prime Minister of Hungary, literally on the second day after the start of his country’s presidency of the European Union, came to Kiev and invited Ukraine to negotiate a ceasefire with Russia, and then sit down at the negotiating table.

< p class="bloquote cke-markup">Orbán came because he wants to show himself as a serious European politician at the beginning of Hungary's presidency of the EU Council. However, what he says will deconcentrate the West, and is not in the interests of countries like Poland. Orbán offers no real peace plan. “He proposes to legalize rape,” said Pavel Koval.

In his opinion, Orban is acting out of his own convictions, and not according to a scenario agreed upon with Putin. It's just that the head of the Hungarian government thinks the same way as the Russian dictator.

“I don't think he needs to negotiate with Putin. He just thinks the same. Only he is inside the EU – and therefore we must approach it differently,” emphasized the deputy of the Polish Sejm.

Koval believes that that trip to Kyiv and all the heroism of the Ukrainian people, which is admired throughout Europe, will not affect Orban’s views in any way. He noted that Orban is a master of political deceit, and there is no need to believe him. topics and is capable of presiding over the EU. On July 2, he also wrote a false text in the Financial Times, where he talks about the economic success of Hungary, which is based on the German-French growth plan. But from afar it is clear that this is all political deceit. believe? And when Orban now proposes a ceasefire in Ukraine, this is not peace, this is encouraging impunity for violence,” said the Polish politician.

According to Koval, Viktor Orban , as well as Donald Trump, who hopes to force Kyiv into negotiations with Moscow, are under the “deceptive delusion” that the war in Ukraine can be ended by making a compromise with the head of the Kremlin. After all, Putin himself does not really want peace

Koval expressed the opinion that some of Trump’s advisers are probably more active and proactive than Putin himself, because “we hear more from them about concluding a deal with the head of the Kremlin than from him himself.”

“This should make them think that they, apparently, as they said earlier in Poland, are in deceptive delusion. Trump’s advisers are wrong, and all those who today call for a ceasefire, some kind of truce, must understand that Putin does not want this, or Viktor Orban, who goes to Kyiv and proposes something there. , but not Putin,” said Koval.

He added that this is a very bad tactic because it weakens the West and blurs the issue of war.

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