Home » Unexpected meeting of “peacekeepers”: why Orban came to Xi Jinping

Unexpected meeting of “peacekeepers”: why Orban came to Xi Jinping

by alex

In receiving Orban, Xi called on Russia and Ukraine to cease fire and other major powers to create an environment conducive to negotiations.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping called on world powers to help Russia and Ukraine resume direct dialogue during a meeting on Monday, July 8, with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

The Associated Press writes about this with reference to the Chinese state television company CCTV.

Orban made a surprise visit to China to discuss prospects for a peaceful resolution to the war in Ukraine. Since Hungary took over the EU's rotating presidency this month, Orban has stepped up his peacekeeping mission. However, his actions were not approved by other European leaders.

After Putin invited Orbán to come to Moscow as the main representative of the European Council, several senior European officials rejected the offer and said that Orbán had no authority to do anything other than discuss bilateral relations between Hungary and the Russian Federation .

“China is a key force in creating the conditions for peace in the Russian-Ukrainian war. That is why I came to meet President Xi in Beijing, just two months after his official visit to Budapest. President Xi made it clear I understand that China will continue its efforts to create conditions for peace. We are not alone! The peace mission will continue,” Orban wrote on the social network X.

During his meeting with Xi, Orban described China as a stabilizing force amid global instability and praised its “constructive and important” peace initiatives.

China is pushing its own six-point peace plan. Beijing says it is neutral in the conflict, though in practice it supports Moscow through frequent state visits, increased trade, and joint military exercises.

While hosting Orban, Xi called on Russia and Ukraine to cease fire and other major powers to create an environment conducive to talks. According to the Chinese leader, a ceasefire will only be possible when all major powers project “positive, not negative energy.”

It is noted that during Xi Jinping's recent visit to Hungary, the countries raised the level of their relations to an “all-weather, comprehensive strategic partnership.” In addition to Hungary, China maintains this level of relations with only three countries – Belarus, Pakistan and Venezuela.

After completing his visit to China, Orban will travel to the United States for the NATO summit. It is unclear whether he will meet separately with President Joe Biden or his rival in the upcoming elections, Donald Trump, whose candidacy Orban openly supports.

Recall that Orban is trying to present himself as a mediator between the parties to end the hostilities in Ukraine, despite the fact that Russian dictator Putin himself has refused to negotiate an end to the war. ISW analysts believe that Orban is trying to undermine support for Ukraine by calling for peace talks.

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