Home » The U.S. withdraws troops from Afghanistan

The U.S. withdraws troops from Afghanistan

by alex

The U.S. withdraws some troops from Afghanistan, said the American leader Donald trump in an interview with the portal Axios.

“We are in a very short period of time will reduce [the number of us troops] to eight thousand, then reduce to four thousand. We now are negotiating,” — said the head of the White house.

Trump also said that troop levels in Afghanistan during the November elections in the United States is from 400 to 5 thousand.

Earlier, Secretary of state Mike Pompeo said that the United States plans to withdraw all its troops from Afghanistan by may 2021. “We made an agreement. We reach zero, we derive their strength from there. I think it will be in may next year”, — the politician answered the question about the negotiations the American side with the terrorist Taliban (banned in Russia). Pompeo stressed that at the moment, the U.S. has reduced by half its military presence in the country.

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