Home » The Russians planned to encircle the Odessa region and land troops – Neizhpapa

The Russians planned to encircle the Odessa region and land troops – Neizhpapa

by alex

At the beginning of a full-scale war, Russian troops planned to take the Odessa region into the so-called ring, and then land their troops.

The commander of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Alexey Neizhpapa, spoke about this in an interview with Natalia Moseichuk.

Why the Russians failed to take the Odessa region into the so-called ring

The Russian occupiers failed to carry out the planned amphibious landing operation, in part because they did not have the necessary successes on land.

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According to the commander of the Navy, amphibious operations, as a rule, are not the main type of operation during full-scale combat operations. This is mainly a support operation in the coastal direction.

– The enemy’s plan was not to take Nikolaev (although that was also in the enemy’s plans), but to attack Odessa from the north. To create a ring around the Odessa region and only then land a naval assault. That didn’t happen. The 80th Brigade stopped the landing of Russian troops near Voznesensk, – said Alexey Neizhpapa.

He also said that at the beginning of the full-scale war, Russian troops conducted demonstration actions off the coast of Ukraine. In particular, they fully formed a group of landing ships that could land a full brigade complement of marines with all units.

According to the commander of the Ukrainian Navy, this involved fire support ships, logistics, an area isolation group – to prevent NATO ships from approaching the combat zone – and a tactical group that was engaged in the use of Kalibrs on Ukrainian territory.

Why did Russian ships demonstratively approach the shores

As Neizhpapa said, the Russian invaders brought the landing ships almost to the coast, although they knew that it was mined.

They did this so that the Ukrainian Defense Forces would not transfer their units, which at that time were busy with anti-landing defense.

– They were playing a demonstration game. A mistake was made, by and large, according to the classics of military art, which was developed in Soviet times. It was easy to read. Everything was like in a book. We studied from one book at that time. Now everything has changed over the past two years. And they don’t fight according to that book, and we didn’t fight according to that book from the very beginning,” explained the commander of the Ukrainian Navy.

The full-scale war in Ukraine has been going on for 864 days now.

The situation in the cities can be monitored on the interactive map of military operations in Ukraine and on the map of air raids in Ukraine.

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