Home » Russian Red Cross distributes items with Z symbol and portraits of Putin to Ukrainian refugees

Russian Red Cross distributes items with Z symbol and portraits of Putin to Ukrainian refugees

by alex

The Russian Red Cross distributes items with the Z symbol and Putin's portraits to Ukrainian refugees/Illustrative photos, collage of Channel 24

Russian Red Cross brings Ukrainian refugees, most of whom were forcibly taken to the aggressor country, mugs and clothes with the symbols of “special operation”.

This was told by independent Russian volunteers helping the affected Ukrainians.< /p>

In particular, a similar incident was poisoned in Tver. So, the RCHH cynically brought things to the Ukrainians who suffered in the war with the symbols of “special operation” and the face of Putin, because of whose orders they lost their former lives and homes. Imagine, for example, if the father of Anne Frank, who died in a German concentration camp, were given a T-shirt with the face of Hitler or a cup with a swastika.

Somehow, other volunteers and I helped Ukrainians disassemble humanitarian aid received from the Red Cross. Among the things we found mugs with Putin, T-shirts with him and with the letter Z, – said Valentina, a volunteer from Tver.

She stressed that this is inhumane and unethical.

Please note:< /strong>As of the end of May, Russia had deported to its territory about 1,200,000 Ukrainian citizens, of whom 240,000 were children. About 2,000 minors are orphans.

The Russian Red Cross is closely linked to the Kremlin

One of the clauses of the Charter of the International Red Cross indicates that the National Red Cross Societies cannot be controlled by the state and maintain independence – both financial and personnel. At the same time, the Russian authorities have repeatedly tried to introduce state control over the Russian ChH by official means, and the people who now manage the ChH are closely connected with Russian politicians.

It is interesting that Ukrainians in Russia can be freely helped only through official organizations, among which, in addition to the Chechen Republic, youth movements of “United Russia”, regional dioceses and another pro-government project “We are together.” Ordinary people who want to help Ukrainians who suffered in the war and volunteer should not do this.

RCH members actively support the war against Ukraine and feed the occupiers

The charter of the International Red Cross forbids the organizations taking part in the movement to take any side during military conflicts. At the same time, the current members of the RCHH openly support the current “special operation” and agitate Russian men to go to war.

inviting contract soldiers from the Kirov region to fight on the territory of Ukraine.

In particular, in one of the social networks on his page, the Basmans posted announcements about the recruitment of volunteers for the service. The post also says that now the Russian Armed Forces “are undergoing difficult tests in a special military operation to protect the population of the republics of Donbass, denazification and demilitarization of criminal Nazi formations on the territory of Ukraine.”

The Russian Red Cross distributes items with the Z symbol and portraits of Putin to Ukrainian refugees

Yuriy Basmanov/photo from his social media page

It is also known that some Regional branches of the RKK send humanitarian supplies to the Russian military and freely talk about it on social networks. Thus, the charter does not prohibit Red Cross societies from providing assistance to military victims at the front, however, in Russia it is impossible to find out where the Red Cross sends help – to wounded occupiers in the hospital or right on the battlefield to Russian invaders who kill Ukrainians every day.

By the way, the wives and relatives of the Ukrainian defenders of Mariupol, whose relatives are in captivity, also complain about the work of the ChH. One of the conditions for the exit of Ukrainian soldiers from Azovstal was the visits of representatives of the Red Cross to prisoners of war twice a week, but the organization does not report in any way on the condition of Ukrainian defenders and ignores requests from their relatives.

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