Home » Russia will create a drug for ultra-precise destruction of cancer

Russia will create a drug for ultra-precise destruction of cancer

by alex

Rosatom plans to create a drug for the targeted destruction of prostate cancer

Photo: National Cancer Institute / Unsplash

The State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom intends to create a drug for the ultra-precise destruction of cancer. This follows from the materials published on the procurement website of the state corporation, RIA Novosti notes.

This is a radiopharmaceutical preparation based on monoclonal antibodies with the thorium-227 isotope, intended for the targeted treatment of malignant tumors of the prostate gland. As noted by the agency, the thorium-227 isotope has a large relative efficiency of “liquidation” of cancer cells. In addition, such alpha emitters can significantly improve patient survival compared to traditional chemotherapy.

The competition is organized by the All-Regional Association “Izotop”, one of the enterprises of the state corporation. It is expected that work on the creation and conduct of tests on laboratory animals will be completed this year.

Earlier, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Physician of the Lapino-2 Cancer Center Mikhail Davydov named the main difference between cancer and oncology. He explained that oncology includes a whole class of diseases, and cancer, or carcinoma, is just one of them.

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