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Revealed an unexpected benefit of placebo

by alex

Placebo showed additional benefit in the treatment and drug testing. This is stated in the study by American scientists published in the scientific journal Nature.

In the experiment, a placebo is a substance without apparent healing properties — I tried to give the patients and explain to them that they accept the tool without any scientifically proven effects. People know that take the drug will not be able neither to help nor to hurt them, but as a result received an unexpected benefit from the treatment. Scientists have found that informed consumers placebo decreased the number of markers of emotional distress.

Specialists of the University of Michigan, University of Michigan and Dartmouth College (USA) divided the test patients into two groups, members of which knew taking placebo. Participants were asked to take a nasal spray with saline solution. Knowledgeable about the medication with unproven efficacy are more relaxed perceived the experiment and less worried about the results than the subjects from the second group.

Scientists have concluded that a conscious acceptance of inefficient funds can be even more useful than taking these drugs as a positive effect on emotional brain activity. According to doctors, a well-informed trial participants still believed in the use placebo. “Instead of having to prescribe a lot of drugs to help the patient, give him a placebo and tell them it can help if they are to believe in it,” said study co-author Jason Moser (Moser Jason).

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