Home » Named Builder of the unfinished East

Named Builder of the unfinished East

by alex

Center for exploitation of ground space infrastructure (TsENKI) defined the General contractor and the only contractor for the construction of nine facilities of the first stage of the Vostochny space centre, according to “Roskosmos”.

According to the Corporation, will be completed, in particular, the storage of components of rocket fuel and operation of impact areas and for recycling of construction and municipal solid waste. Also will complete the construction of industrial construction and operating bases No. 1 and No. 2, metalcomplex, roads and Railways.

“All these facilities were not completed by the previous contractor,” — said the state Corporation.

According to General Director of TsENKI, in the framework of these works a priority he would have given the complex storage of components of rocket fuel required to launch heavy “Angara” in 2023.

In June, Deputy General Director of TsENKI Sergey Kostarev stated that “Roscosmos” will not bury most the construction of facilities at the cosmodrome East.

In November 2019, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said about the theft of 11 billion rubles from the funds allocated for the construction of the Vostochny space centre.

In September 2018 on the procurement website appeared a request for emergency works to eliminate voids beneath the concrete base of the launch pad for rockets “Soyuz-2” on the East.

The Vostochny cosmodrome is being built in the Amur region. At present, almost completed the construction of the first facility designed to launch medium rocket “Soyuz-2”. Now at the cosmodrome under construction of the second phase, which will allow you to run a media family “Angara”. The construction of the cosmodrome are accompanied by numerous violations and corruption scandals.

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