Home » In the West warned of “August surprise Putin”

In the West warned of “August surprise Putin”

by alex

Vladimir Putin

Western countries should prepare for the unexpected foreign policy actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin that he can take this month to strengthen its position in the background of the crisis in the country. This warned CNBC.

According to some experts, the Russian leader has faced some difficulties against the background of the pandemic coronavirus and falling oil prices. So, according to the world Bank forecast, in 2020 Russia’s GDP will decline by 6 percent. While currently about 18 million Russians live below the poverty line, and on the background of the economic crisis, the number of such citizens may become even greater.

Against this background, considers CNBС, the Russian President may organise a surprise for their Western colleagues, and to take unexpected measures, hoping to regain influence in the country, and at the same time to strengthen Russia’s position in the international arena. Surprises Moscow was already presented in 2008, when there was a military conflict in South Ossetia, in 2014, when it was annexed Crimea, and in 2015, when Russia intervened in a civil war in Syria, writes channel. “In the past when Moscow had tough times, Putin has turned to foreign adventures to toughen control over their own country,” — said CNBС.

Especially likely is such a development of events is due to the fact that the main opponent of Russia — the USA — now also experiencing serious difficulties because of the wide spread of coronavirus, the economic downturn and gripped the American city of protests. Into the hands of Putin can play the differences that exist between the United States and Europe and between European States and the Russian leader can once again try to strengthen Moscow’s influence in the world.

To do this, said the TV channel, the Russian leadership may be due to the absorption of Belarus. According to CNBC, Putin may use the “growing unrest in Belarus and the disputed presidential elections” as an excuse to act as a “national liberator”. In the result, Belarus will have to resist the attempts of Russia to absorb it, experts say.

29 July in Belarus were detained 33 people, of which the Republic’s authorities believe to be mercenaries from PMCs Wagner. According to Belarusian authorities, they came to destabilize the situation in the country ahead of presidential elections on 9 August. Russia said in response that Moscow did not intervene and does not intend to interfere in the internal Affairs of other countries, especially Belarus.

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