Home » In the USA, a gay choir recorded a song in which it promises to “come for your children.”

In the USA, a gay choir recorded a song in which it promises to “come for your children.”

by alex

In the glorious city of San Francisco, which, as you know, acquired the glory of the “gay capital” of the United States, various representatives of the LGBT community have long penetrated all the holes of local political and public life. They sit in the mayor's office, serve in the police, do business. And there is no need to talk about a creative bohemian. Therefore, no one is surprised that it is there, in Frisco, that there is the world's largest open gay choir with as many as 300 voices. As in every choral group, it has basses, baritones, but, of course, tenors predominate.

Requirements for participants are simple: be at least 18 years old, identify yourself in the gay hierarchy as a man and go through the audition process determined by the art council.

The pandemic undermined the ability of choristers to gather for frequent rehearsals, and they had to go online. There they rehearsed and recorded new songs. But the popularity began to fall, so the leadership decided to amaze everyone with something that even the most liberal strata are afraid to talk about publicly. The result was a video promoting pedophilia (in most American states, child molestation is still severely punishable by law – from serious terms to forced chemical castration).

The scandalous video is called “We will remake your children.” Homosexual artists – two young soloists and fifty men of different ages singing along with them – sing that they will “come for the children”, despite the fact that their parents are trying to “save them”: they are being driven away from gay clubs, trying to force them to wear “normal clothes “.

– But we will remake them anyway! We will teach your children to be tolerant, – the blue pop music breaks out.

True, the song, which looks like a “homosexual anthem”, did not last long on the Youtube channel of the unconventional choir. Realizing that they had gone over the edge, the singing gays themselves removed it. But they did not at all repent of what they had done, and they did not suffer any punishment. Come and touch them in today's America!

They say that the idea of “glorifying pedophilia” to the choristers was planted by Milo Yiannopoulos, a well-known US LGBT activist for his provocations. How do you like his statement:

– Sometimes the relationship between boys and men is a kind of parenting relationship, a relationship in which these adult men help boys understand who they really are, give them protection and security, and love that their parents cannot give them.

Now it sounds like a dangerous heresy or feverish delirium, but if sex freedom continues to move across America with the same leaps and bounds as now, then, you see, in a few years this phrase will turn into a commonplace.

But so far, the clip, which has spread on social networks, has caused a wave of anger in the United States and other countries. “This is the creepiest thing I've ever seen, and it's real”; “In this way they will destroy not only their own lives, but everyone else,” write Internet users.

In Russia, in general, a rare commentary on the “masterpiece” of a gay choir did without a strong word. And the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vitaly Milonov spoke about him like this:

– No surprise at all. I am very grateful to the buggers of San Francisco who talked about what they do. Because the LGBT movement, as a public movement, exists for this very purpose. Therefore, this is a good sign for us that we don't have this anymore.

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