Home » In Italy revealed an increase in cases of infection with coronavirus

In Italy revealed an increase in cases of infection with coronavirus

by alex

In Italy, 38 per cent increase in the daily number of people infected with coronavirus, the Associated Press reports.

Over the past day in the country identified 552 new cases infected with coronavirus that causes such a high daily gain was not the end of may, the Agency said.

Nearly one-third of new cases COVID-19 falls in the region of Veneta, which has become one of the local epicenters of coronavirus in Italy. Day it spent about 16.5 thousand of tests for coronavirus.

As told the head of the region Luca ZAIA, the infection identified among residents who recently returned from Spain, Peru, Malta, Croatia and Greece. “Everyone has to decide where he wants to go on vacation, but it is also true that we have several weeks to fix the increase in the number of patients who became infected during it,” he said.

Earlier it was reported that the residents of Florence have decided to protect yourself from coronavirus method the time of the plague. The owners of bars and restaurants has revived an old tradition, when establishments opened after quarantine. It turned out that in some institutions, orders began to issue through the so-called wine window (Buchette del vino). In the same way in the XVII century, wealthy Italians used a small openings in the houses to sell surplus wine as a simple worker.

Italy first among European countries faced with the rapid spread of coronavirus: in March, the number of victims of the infection, the country has surpassed China, where at the end of 2019 began to spread the disease. After that, Italy was long the leader in the number of people infected in Europe. According to recent reports in the country identified 249,8 thousands of cases infected with coronavirus, 35,1 thousand people died and thousands 201,6 — cured.

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