Home » How to submit a motivation letter for admission to the Western Military District: step-by-step instructions

How to submit a motivation letter for admission to the Western Military District: step-by-step instructions

by alex

The order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 266 dated 03/06/2024 On approval of the procedure for admission to study for higher education states that competitive selection carried out on the basis of competitive points, as well as motivation letters.

Everyone who wishes to enroll in a higher education institution must add a motivation letter along with the application and other documents. ICTV Facts learned how to submit a motivation letter and what criteria are taken into account when considering it.

What is a motivation letter and why submit it

This is a document that contains written information about the applicant and his interest in applying for a specific competitive offer. The letter also indicates achievements, expectations from training, and indicates strengths and weaknesses.

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Along with the text of the motivation letter, you need to indicate documents confirming your own achievements. This applies to various awards, participation in Olympiads, competitions. Documents confirming your own achievements are submitted to the e-mail address of the Admissions Committee of each educational institution.

How to submit a motivation letter for consideration

The method for submitting a motivation letter depends on how you apply for admission. If the application is submitted electronically, then a motivation letter is attached via the electronic account. Submission of motivation letters along with applications to higher education institutions will begin on July 19.

How to submit a letter:

  • When submitting an application to the Western Military District, the electronic account contains a special window where you can add the text of a motivation letter.
  • This is where you need to fully outline your advantages, disadvantages, as well as your desire to study at a particular institution.
  • No more than 120 minutes are allowed to fill out this block of the application. Therefore, it is better to compose the text of the letter in Word in advance, and then paste it into the appropriate block when submitting an application.

When a motivation letter is taken into account:

  • It may not always be considered, but the person must necessarily add this document to the application for admission.
  • It is used when two people have the same number of competition points.
  • In this case, preference is given to the applicant who has great achievements and has better prepared his motivation letter.

How is a motivation letter evaluated upon admission

It is worth noting that the order of the Ministry of Education and Science does not indicate the parameters for evaluating such documents.

— Assessment is carried out in accordance with the criteria of the admissions committees of each educational institution, — indicated in order.

The order also states that if motivation letters are used during the competitive selection, they must be checked for originality.

Now the Internet contains a significant number of templates and even texts of letters that can be used by applicants.

Content and structure of the motivation letter

Rules for admission to each educational institution in 2024 are developed in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine and approved by the pedagogical council of a particular educational institution. It is the admission rules that contain the requirements for the structure and content of motivation letters of applicants. That is, each educational institution develops its own structure and requirements for such documents.

Due to different requirements, each educational institution will have to compose its own motivation letter. It is necessary to add to the letter documents confirming achievements that may be useful for a particular HEI. They prove that the applicant really deserves to study at a certain institution and in the corresponding specialty.

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