Home » Hillary Clinton volunteered to help Biden

Hillary Clinton volunteered to help Biden

by alex

Hillary Clinton

The candidate of the Democratic party for the 2016 elections, Hillary Clinton volunteered to help the most likely candidate of the party in American elections 2020 Joe Biden. Her words quoted by the New York Post.

On question, whether to agree Clinton to get a job in the administration of the Biden if he wins in November, former U.S. Secretary of state said that “ready to help any way I can.”

“Because I think it will be a time when every American — I don’t care what party, I don’t care what age you are, race, gender, I don’t care — every American should want to help our country… So, if you are asked to serve, you have to think about it”, she said.

Clinton also expressed fears that the current head of the White house Donald trump will use the postal service as part of an attempt to cast doubt on the election results if he loses. “I have every reason to believe that trump is not going to go quietly into the night, if you lose, she said. He’ll try to confuse you. He will try to file all sorts of lawsuits.”

Clinton previously served as Secretary of state during the administration of the 44th President Barack Obama. At this time Biden was Vice President.

It is expected that Biden formally accept the nomination of the US Democratic party for President from his home state of Delaware during the four-day virtual National democratic forum next week.

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