Home » Future Japanese Prime Minister spoke about the Kuril Islands

Future Japanese Prime Minister spoke about the Kuril Islands

by alex

Future Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga spoke about the issue of discussing with Russia the four southern islands of the Kuril ridge, which in Japan are considered their own and are called “northern territories”. RIA Novosti reports this with reference to Japanese television.

“With regard to the issue of the northern territories, I intend to continue the dialogue in order to clarify the issue of the ownership of the four islands,” the agency quoted the politician as saying.

Earlier on September 14, it was confirmed that it was Suga who would become the new prime minister of Japan: he was elected the new leader of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.

The upcoming resignation of Japanese Prime Minister Abe became known on 28 August. The decision was made due to health problems: ulcerative colitis, which had long tormented the politician, worsened. Abe said he deeply apologizes for the inability to fulfill his duties and regrets that he did not achieve the conclusion of a peace treaty with Russia.

As a result of the Second World War, a peace treaty was not concluded between Moscow and Tokyo. The main obstacle to its signing was the unresolved territorial dispute over the southern part of the Kuriles – the islands of Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and the Habomai group. The Japanese side calls the South Kuril Islands “northern territories” and does not recognize Russian sovereignty over them. Moscow, in turn, does not recognize the very fact of the territorial dispute.

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