Home » A year and a half ago, he was captured: Navy special forces returned a Marine from occupation

A year and a half ago, he was captured: Navy special forces returned a Marine from occupation

by alex

A special reconnaissance detachment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the Angels, carried out a multi-stage special operation to evacuate a marine from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, who was captured by the Russian Federation during a mission and spent about a year and a half there.

This was reported by the press service of the Ukrainian Navy.

A Ukrainian Navy detachment returned a marine from the occupied territory

It is noted that during his time in captivity, the marine repeatedly became a victim and witness of torture and abuse of Ukrainian prisoners.

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From the first days after Alexander was captured, servicemen of the Special Reconnaissance Detachment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the Angels, were looking for options on how to bring the Marine back. They also supported his mother Olga, who works as a Ukrainian language teacher, in every possible way.

— Until the last moment, I couldn’t believe that this was all possible. A year ago, on Marine Corps Day, the Angels came and promised to return him. A year has passed and Sasha is now at home. I still can't believe it. Thank you guys very much for returning my son, — Olga shares.

A lot of forces were used to free Alexander. As a result of a complex and multi-stage operation developed by the Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Naval Command, the Angels were able to successfully evacuate and return the 29-year-old Marine.

The Navy noted that for security reasons, the details of the operation are not being disclosed.

The meeting between mother and son took place in the office of the commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Vice Admiral Alexei Neizhpapa, who personally supervised the operation at all its stages.

Marine Alexander became the 69th person to be successfully evacuated by the Angels to Ukrainian-controlled territory. However, in addition to direct evacuation from territories controlled by Russian occupiers, the detachment performs a fairly wide range of tasks.

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