Home ยป 10 people who wanted to evacuate died at the Russian checkpoint in Vasilievka

10 people who wanted to evacuate died at the Russian checkpoint in Vasilievka

by alex

Fedorov announced the death of 10 people who were waiting for evacuation through Vasilyevka/Collage of Channel 24

Russians continue to mock the civilian population of Ukraine and make it impossible to safely evacuate to the territories controlled by our state. People literally die on the way.


The current mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov, said on the air of the only news telethon that 10 people died at a Russian checkpoint in the Zaporozhye region, Channel 24 reports. We are talking about the checkpoint in Vasilyevka, which is now the only way to leave the temporarily occupied territories.

10 people died at the checkpoint in Vasilyevka

In the temporarily occupied Vasilyevka, for several weeks now, there have been huge queues of Ukrainian cars trying to leave the territory controlled by Ukraine, namely in the direction of Zaporozhye. However, the Russians are deliberately delaying the process and preventing people from evacuating.

The number of deaths has increased and reached 10 . These are those who did not wait for the evacuation,โ€ Fedorov said.

The official noted that more than a thousand cars remained at the checkpoint in Vasilyevka, waiting for evacuation. According to him, recently a baby was hospitalized to a local hospital strong>with heat stroke, because the infidels did not let the car with the child through for two whole days.

Recall that they are trying to leave through Vasilyevka to the territory controlled by Ukraine not only residents of the temporarily occupied settlements of the Zaporozhye region, but also the Kherson and Donbass regions. This is due to the fact that the Russians at least allow evacuation only through this point.

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