Home » ZNPP employees who sign a contract with Rosatom face mobilization, – Energoatom

ZNPP employees who sign a contract with Rosatom face mobilization, – Energoatom

by alex

Vladimir Putin has declared martial law in the occupied territories of 4 Ukrainian regions. In addition, the dictator announced the introduction of a territorial defense regime on them.

Putin's introduction of martial law means that men from the occupied territories can be forcibly mobilized into the Russian army. Mobilization may also threaten the workers of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant.

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ZNPP workers may be mobilized into the Russian army

As reported by Energoatom, we are talking about those ZNPP workers who agreed to cooperate with the Russians. First of all, these are those who have signed or will sign a contract with Rosatom.

According to sources at the Zaporizhzhya NPP, the occupiers are compiling lists of plant workers who have signed contracts with Rosatom in order to mobilize some of them to serve in the Russian army and/or territorial defense, Energoatom noted.

Zaporizhzhya NPP personnel are working under frenzied pressure

On October 4, Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the so-called annexation of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. Russian propagandists wrote that Vladimir Putin instructed to transfer the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant allegedly “under the control” of Russia.

Moscow decided to create a new Russian “enterprise” at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree on the creation of the so-called “federal state unitary enterprise” of the Zaporozhye NPP.

IAEA Director Rafael Grossi reported that the occupiers are exerting “unacceptable pressure” on Ukrainian personnel.

Ukraine demands to create a demilitarized zone around the nuclear power plant. However, the Kremlin cynically stated that they did not plan to withdraw their troops from the ZNPP.

Martial law in the occupied territories: what is known

  • Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has introduced martial law in the so-called DPR and LPR, as well as the partially occupied Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. The decree comes into force on October 20, 2022.
  • The Government of the Russian Federation is obliged to submit proposals on measures to be applied in the territories where martial law has been introduced within 3 days.
  • The dictator calls for issuing more products for the needs of the so-called “special operation”, increase the stability of the economy, ensure anti-terrorist security.
  • Putin also calls for “mobilization measures” in the occupied territories.
  • Under martial law, top officials persons of these territories must also “temporarily resettle the inhabitants to safe areas.” “Evacuation of residents” of the temporarily occupied territories of Donbass, Lugansk region and Zaporozhye region is not planned, the Kherson region will be an exception.

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