Home » Zhdanov compared the F-16 with the Russian MiG-29 and Su-35: what are the advantages of the American fighter

Zhdanov compared the F-16 with the Russian MiG-29 and Su-35: what are the advantages of the American fighter

by alex

Ukraine may be able to get modern fighters, namely F-16 aircraft, which are compared with Russian MiG-29s. This is also a fighter, but heavy.

On the air 24 channels military expert Oleg Zhdanov explained that in terms of the main parameters – climb rate, turn rate, acceleration – The MiG-29 is superior to the F-16. For example, in a turn of 1 degree per second, the Russian aircraft is faster.

At the same time, Zhdanov noted that in general the F-16 wins. This is because it has one engine and is a light fighter. In addition, its combat load is 5 tons more than that of the MiG-29.

What other advantages of the F-16 did the military expert name:

  • The MiG-29 is almost unable to perform an anti-missile maneuver, while the F-16 is capable.
  • The F-16 uses stealth technology in modern upgrades. Moreover, both passive and active technologies.

Stealth is a set of methods for reducing visibility in the radar, infrared and other regions of the observation spectrum.

Oleg Zhdanov remembered a quote from the general designer of the MiG-29 compared to the F-16. He said: “If we had an engine with such a thrust vector as the F-16, we would make a miracle aircraft.”

Comparison with Russian Sus

The military expert explained that The Su-34 is a front-line bomber, it cannot be compared with the F-16, but the Su-35 can. However, the MiG-29 remains the main one.

Russia is trying to put its Su-35 into the rank of the 5th generation aircraft. They want to compare it with the American F-35, the most modern aircraft, Zhdanov recalled.

“Usually, experts take the MiG-29 and F-16. They are about the same class, the only difference is that the MiG-29 is a heavy fighter, and the F-16, through 1 engine, belongs to a light fighter,” the expert summed up.

Enemy air activity

According to Zhdanov, the activity of enemy aviation today is minimal, because the Russians work only along the front line. Since late April and early May, not a single Russian aircraft has entered the depths of Ukrainian airspace. Consequently, the sky of Ukraine is closed from Russian aircraft. However, there is an exception – the front line.

On the front line, as soon as they (aircraft – channel 24) get on the radar of our air defense systems, we immediately shoot them down. Therefore, we have statistics – almost every day we shoot down either a helicopter, or an attack aircraft, or some other air target from Russia, – said Oleg Zhdanov.

“Our advantage will be that the F-16 can effectively work on the air defense of the Russian armed forces. This is one of its appointments,” the expert said.

He explained that the aircraft can operate under conditions of setting radio interference. Thus, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to gain an advantage in the air. Our planes will be able to actually clear the way for the Ukrainian troops when the counteroffensive takes place. “But I'm not talking about air combat. The F-16 wins even in a comparative battle with the Su-35,” Zhdanov added.

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