Home ยป Zelensky's Victory Plan: What is this document and what can it give Ukraine?

Zelensky's Victory Plan: What is this document and what can it give Ukraine?

by alex

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky took the Victory Plan to the United States, which he will present to Joe Biden, presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Republicans and Democrats in Congress and the UN will personally familiarize themselves with the Victory Plan. The document will also be open to Russia.

What exactly is written in the Victory Plan is still an intrigue. Although the President's Office recently explained that the document will contain four main points and one additional one, which will be “needed after the war”: military aid to Ukraine, economic steps, diplomatic pressure on the Russian Federation and “pathetic coercion of Russia”.

Therefore, we expect that Volodymyr Zelensky will announce the details of the Victory Plan during his visit to the United States.

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ICTV Facts figured out what kind of document this is, Zelensky's Victory Plan, and what it can give to Ukraine.

Zelensky's Victory Plan: what known

The head of state announced the Victory Plan at the end of August — after the start of the operation in the Kursk region. Zelensky explained the offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region by the fact that it would help stop the occupation of the Kharkiv region, prevent the capture of the Sumy and Chernihiv regions, and pull Russian forces away from the front.

The war in Ukraine continues in an active phase, the Russians in Donbass continue to advance, getting closer and closer to the city of Pokrovsk, and there is a direct road to Pavlograd and Dnepr. Western military aid remains critically important for Ukraine. That is why Volodymyr Zelensky took the Victory Plan to the United States.

Adviser to the head of the President's Office Mykhailo Podolyak said that military aid to Ukraine in the Victory Plan is spelled out in a structured manner — in accordance with the current situation on the front. According to foreign media, this is a list of weapons and equipment needed to defeat Russia, as well as permission to strike the territory of the Russian Federation with long-range missiles.

“The Pathetic Coercion of Russia”is that Ukraine itself chooses its role in the global political process and has the right to be a member of any union or alliance, despite the demands of some third countries. It is quite possible that this refers to Ukraine's future membership in NATO.

Economic stimulus concerns investments in the production of weapons and armaments on the territory of Ukraine, as well as an audit of anti-Russian sanctions. According to foreign media sources, the Victory Plan provides for investments by allies to produce drones and missiles in Ukraine. Ukraine will also demand increased sanctions to weaken and stop Russia's military machine.

Diplomatic pressure on the Russian Federation. Ukraine wants to work hard with the countries of the so-called neutral belt. Ukraine intends to strengthen relations with the countries of the Global South, with which Russia trades.

Is a freeze of the war in Ukraine possible

On September 14, the German publication Bild, citing its sources, wrote that Zelensky's peace plan allegedly includes Ukraine's readiness to agree to a local ceasefire — that is, a temporary freeze of the war. Presidential adviser Dmitry Litvin said that Bild had spread a fake, since he had not seen the peace plan itself, and those who were involved in the creation of the Victory Plan did not talk to the German publication.

— “Minsk-3” or any other, no one will give the Russians. Ukraine is against any freezing of the war, and this is being said at all levels of government in Ukraine. It is important for us that the United States support Ukraine's Victory Plan, and not capitulation or freezing, — Dmitry Litvin emphasized.

Zelensky took Ukraine's Victory Plan to the USA

Yesterday, President Volodymyr Zelensky left for the United States to present his Victory Plan to the political elite.

— It is this fall that we will decide what will happen next in this war. Together with our partners, we can strengthen our positions, as is necessary for our victory, a common victory, for a truly just peace, Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized in his video address.

While the position of Biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris on Ukraine is clear, there are many questions about Donald Trump's team. For example, Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance once said that the war in Ukraine can be ended under the following conditions: it is necessary to determine the demarcation line, demilitarize the zone and secure the neutral (non-aligned) status of Ukraine. The demilitarized zone, Vance says, needs to be fortified to prevent the Russians from attacking again.

During the debate with Kamala Harris, Donald Trump demonstratively refused to talk about Ukraine's victory, saying only: I want the war to end.

According to experts, the timing of the presentation of Ukraine's peace plan was very well chosen — so that others don't start imposing their plans on us.

Zelensky took the victory plan to the United States because America is perhaps Ukraine's strongest partner. Although the implementation of the peace initiative will also depend on our other allies.

— Of course, I will present the Victory Plan to all the leaders of partner countries who, like President Biden, are leaders of the world and can become leaders of the world by helping us with the Victory Plan… America has all the power we need to work with Ukraine, with our allies and partners, to ensure what we want most of all — peace, — Zelensky emphasized in a video address.

Zelensky's peace plan will quickly strengthen Ukraine

After the first Peace Summit, Ukraine's partners saw that Russia was not ready for any negotiations, Zelensky said in an interview with The New Yorker.

— The fact is that Putin does not want to end the war on any reasonable terms. If the world unites against him, he pretends to be interested in dialogue — “I am ready for negotiations, let's do it, let's sit down together”, — but this is just talk. This is empty rhetoric, a fiction that prevents the world from taking Ukraine's side and isolating Putin, — the Ukrainian president said.

According to Zelensky, without making Ukraine strong, nothing will force Putin to negotiate on equal terms. After the first Peace Summit, some countries said they would invite Russia to the second summit, and it would come running.

— But it doesn't look like they (the Russians) will come running, — Volodymyr Zelensky told The New Yorker.

Therefore, the Victory Plan — is a plan that will quickly strengthen Ukraine, and a strong Ukraine will force Putin to sit down at the negotiating table. Now Volodymyr Zelensky has laid out his vision for peace in Ukraine on paper, with concrete arguments and steps to strengthen the country during October, November and December and to end the war diplomatically.

Will the US support the peace plan

Zelensky recalled that even before the start of a full-scale war, he called on the United States and other countries to impose preventive sanctions and to preemptively strengthen Ukraine with various weapons. The president said then that if Ukraine were very strong, nothing would happen.

— They (the allies) did not listen. Since then, they have all admitted that I was right. Strengthening Ukraine would significantly reduce the likelihood of Putin's invasion, — the head of state emphasized.

US Permanent Representative to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield noted that the United States had already familiarized itself with President Zelensky's plan for ending the war. Washington believes that Zelensky has outlined a strategy that can work. Now the American side needs to see and understand how to facilitate this.

What foreign media write about Zelensky's Victory Plan

Thus, the Japanese publication Kyodo writes that the peace plan will include a list of the types of desired weapons, their quantity, delivery times, and what effect this will have on the battlefield. Kyiv will also ask for permission to strike long-range missiles at military targets in Russia, as well as investments in the production of missiles and attack drones in Ukraine.

The French publication Le Monde wrote that the Ukrainian president, hoping to speed up the end of the war, is seeking to persuade US President Joe Biden to take decisive action and give Kyiv the opportunity to enter into negotiations from a position of strength. Zelensky also wants assurances that Ukraine will be invited to NATO after the war.

The British publication The Times reported that it had seen Zelensky's Victory Plan: it contains four points, including the Kursk operation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Suspilne, citing sources in the President's Office, noted that The Times journalists were not familiar with the peace plan, and its details, published in the publication, are generalizations by the authors.

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