Home » Zelensky topped the rating of the most influential Jews, beating the Prime Minister of Israel

Zelensky topped the rating of the most influential Jews, beating the Prime Minister of Israel

by alex

The Jerusalem Post annually publishes a list of the 50 most influential Jews in the world. This year, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky took first place.

The publication wrote that they tried to make this year's list as diverse as possible. The authors covered people from all walks of life – government, medicine, literature, art and science.

The war made Volodymyr Zelensky a global “icon”

The Jerusalem Post recalled that at first Vladimir Zelensky was not taken too seriously in the world – the actor played the role of the President of Ukraine, and later he really became one. However, with the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, everything changed.

His toughness and courage became legendary and brought him comparison with Winston Churchill, writes The Jerusalem Post.

It is interesting that Volodymyr Zelensky is ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid, who took second place. Third place went to French Prime Minister Elisabeth Born.

Volodymyr Zelensky became the most influential Jew of 2022/Screenshot of The Jerusalem Post rating

formula of peace: punishing the aggressor for his actions, protecting people's lives, restoring security and territorial integrity, guarantees of security and determination to fight to the end.

On September 23, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that he was shocked by Israel's position in the war with Ukraine. According to the politician, the Israeli people support our country in every possible way. However, for some reason, their government never helped Ukraine in the war against the aggressor with weapons.

On the same day, in an interview with the legendary French actor Alain Delon, the President of Ukraine noted that Putin is aware of everything he does. According to Vladimir Zelensky, the death of many people is part of the plan of the Russian terrorist.

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