Home » Zelensky spoke about further actions in case Biden refuses to support the victory plan

Zelensky spoke about further actions in case Biden refuses to support the victory plan

by alex

The Ukrainian plan for victory is designed primarily with support from US President Joe Biden in mind.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said this in an interview with the New Yorker.

The plan for victory: what happens if Biden rejects it

In response to a question about whether Ukraine has a plan B in case President Biden rejects the plan to win, Zelensky said that Ukraine has been living according to plan B for years.

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The head of state said that plan A was proposed even before the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, when Kyiv called for preventive sanctions and the strengthening of Ukraine with various weapons. However, at that time, the partners did not listen to Ukraine.

– Since then, they have all admitted that I was right. Strengthening Ukraine would significantly reduce the likelihood of Putin's invasion, Zelensky said.

Zelensky on Plan A

The President of Ukraine noted that he is now proposing a new Plan A.

According to him, this plan means that Ukraine is changing its current course, where it was able to withstand only thanks to the strength of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the heroic devotion to European values ​​of our people and fighters.

“If you don’t want this war to drag on, if you don’t want Putin to bury us under the corpses of his people, taking more Ukrainian lives in the process, we offer you a plan to strengthen Ukraine,” Zelensky said.

He noted that this is not fantasy or science fiction, and, importantly, this plan does not require cooperation from the Russians to succeed.

The President explained that the plan spells out what partners can do without Russia’s participation. The head of state added that before diplomacy can be effective, the implementation of the Ukrainian plan depends only on Ukraine and its partners.

Volodymyr Zelensky noted that this plan was developed primarily with Biden's support in mind.

– If he (Biden, – Ed.) does not want to support it, I will not be able to force him. If he refuses, well, then we must continue to live according to Plan B. And that is a shame, – Zelensky said.

In addition, the President of Ukraine called Biden's refusal a terrible idea. According to him, this would mean that Biden does not want to end the full-scale war in Ukraine in a way that deprives Russia of victory.

In his opinion, this would lead to a very long war – an impossible, exhausting situation that would kill a huge number of people.

Recall that Volodymyr Zelensky recently stated that Ukraine is very much counting on US support regarding the Ukrainian plan for victory. In his opinion, this is fair, because when one nation wins the battle for its independence and compliance with international law, the whole world wins.

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