Home » Zelensky received the Churchill Prize: how the president reacted

Zelensky received the Churchill Prize: how the president reacted

by alex

Zelensky received the Churchill Prize/telegrams from Vladimir Zelensky

Vladimir Zelensky was awarded the leadership. The President of Ukraine took part in the award ceremony via videoconference.


The head of the International Society, Lawrence Geller, noted that events and phenomena are taking place today that have not happened since the time of Winston Churchill 80 years ago.

He stated that now democracy in Europe is under the threat of tyranny and this threat is being stopped leadership and heroism.

Like Winston Churchill, President Zelensky shows that tyranny should not succeed, that people should have the right to choose their own path and their own lives,” said Lawrence Geller.

According to him, Volodymyr Zelensky's devotion to the fundamental principles of democracy and toughness in defending his country helps Europe understand itself, and “his upholding of democracy inspires us all.”

Zelensky recalled the heroism of tens of thousands of Ukrainians and Ukrainian women

Thanks to the award, the President of Ukraine noted that this award embodies not only his efforts, but also the heroism of tens of thousands of Ukrainians and Ukrainian women who distinguished themselves in battles with the Russian aggressor.

“This award would not have been possible if the entire Ukrainian people had not risen to defend freedom from the onslaught of tyranny,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized.

Zelensky received the Churchill Prize: how the President reacted

Zelensky received the Churchill Prize/Photo OP

He is also convinced that Ukrainians and European history will always remember those who did not hesitate to come to the aid of the Ukrainian people and the idea of ​​freedom in general. In particular, the president noted the leadership of Boris Johnson.

According to the head of state, now we are fighting not just for land, the rights of people or the Ukrainian people, not just for freedom in Europe – we are fighting together for that no aggressor will ever again consider war as a means to achieve aggressive goals.

“And perhaps for the first time in the history of mankind, we are now able to show everyone in the world and for a long time that democracies, united, they can stop any tyranny, even if at first it seems that it has unlimited resources for aggression, but this can become a reality only if Russia loses on the battlefield in Ukraine,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.

< strong>Vladimir Zelensky commented on the receipt of the Churchill Prize: watch the video

The award, which was awarded to the head of the Ukrainian state, was handed over to the Ukrainian Ambassador to the UK, Vadym Prystaiko, to be sent home.

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