Home » Zelensky on Macron's idea with help: This would be a new page in the war

Zelensky on Macron's idea with help: This would be a new page in the war

by alex

President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky approves of the initiative of French President Emmanuel Macron to help Ukraine in the war.

According to the head of state, the French side could help Ukraine with military training, mine clearance and equipment repairs.

Zelensky – about Macron’s idea to help Ukraine in the war

So, Vladimir Zelensky, commenting during a meeting with journalists on Macron’s idea to help Ukraine in the war, noted that he had a positive attitude towards it.

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In particular, according to the head of state, it would be logical to organize military training in Ukraine, because it is faster than going to France or at least Poland for this.

Also, says Vladimir Zelensky, it would be possible to cooperate with France in matters of mine clearance.

In addition, the head of state notes that it would be possible to create a hub for repairing equipment right in Ukraine, so as not to send it to France.

– “Such a step would be an impetus for other countries and would open a new page in the war,” the President of Ukraine noted.

Macron's idea to help Ukraine in the war

Recall that Macron’s idea to help Ukraine in the war became known in early May.

In particular, the French President returned to his February statement about sending troops into Ukraine to help repel Russian aggression.

According to Emmanuel Macron, France would discuss a likely call from Ukraine for help in the event of a breach of the defense line.

The full-scale war in Ukraine has been going on for the 814th day.

The situation in cities can be monitored on the interactive map of military operations in Ukraine and on the map of air raids in Ukraine.

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