Home » “Zelensky and Duda have close relations”: the OP dotted the i’s in relations with Poland

“Zelensky and Duda have close relations”: the OP dotted the i’s in relations with Poland

by alex

Poland is a strategic partner of Ukraine/Collage 24 Channel

A meeting between Vladimir Zelensky and Andrzej Duda may take place in the near future. In all likelihood, it will take place against the backdrop of tensions over the embargo on the import of Ukrainian grain.

Adviser to the head of the OPU Mikhail Podolyak in an exclusive interviewChannel 24said that there is no tension between the two countries. After all, Poland is an absolute strategic partner of Ukraine.

There are friendly relations between the presidents of Poland and Ukraine

Everything related to economics is a matter of debate at different levels. That is, Ukraine has its own interests, for example, they destroyed our ability to transport grain through the Black Sea. As a result, we are looking for opportunities to increase transit through other routes – Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia. That is why other countries cannot neglect their economic interests.

I believe that Mr. Duda and Mr. Zelensky have very close and friendly relations. All this can be calmly worked out, talked through and the emphasis placed correctly,” Podolyak said.

It should be remembered, firstly, that election races are currently taking place in Poland – these are political elements. Secondly, Poland is a partner of Ukraine, which will be with us until the end of the war in the most sincere relations. And thirdly, there are negotiation platforms at different levels, not only at the presidential level. In particular, at the level of prime ministers, relevant sectoral ministers and other communicators who are able to calmly discuss these issues.

The tension between the two countries was insidiously invented

Through Poland, Ukraine receives everything it needs: weapons, technical and other assistance. The neighboring country is an extremely active diplomatic, informational and pro-Ukrainian state.

Podolyak on relations between Poland and Ukraine: watch the video

“Neither today, nor yesterday, there was no tension. And there won’t be until the end of the war,” emphasized the adviser to the head of the OPU.

Of course, all countries have their own national economic interests. After all, they must provide for the needs of their own population: social, financial and business needs. Therefore, Poland is no exception.

Podolyak noted that everything related to grain or other agricultural products should be discussed at the level of the Cabinet of Ministers, given that there are certain lobbies in Poland. All of them politically and ideologically support Ukraine and are ready to do everything so that we win this war. In particular, to provide any assistance to our country.

Everything that we see in the information space, someone is trying to say that there is some kind of tense relationship between us – this is not so. This is exactly what someone wants to scale, you know who I’m talking about. Because it is necessary to create barriers to the corridors for providing military assistance to Ukraine, concluded Mikhail Podolyak.

Ban on the import of Ukrainian grain: the main thing

  • Previously, some EU countries banned the import of Ukrainian grain to help their farmers sell their own raw materials at the best price. Polish Minister Waldemar Buda expressed Warsaw's intention to extend the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain.
  • Also, the head of the office of the European Commissioner for Trade Valdis Dombrovskis, Michael Geger, submitted to the European Commission a proposal to extend the ban on restrictions on Ukrainian grain. It is not yet known what period they are talking about – until the end of the year or for another period.
  • Subsequently, a possible meeting between Zelensky and Duda was reported, which was confirmed by the head of the office of the President of Poland Pavel Schrot. He noted that the President of Poland supports the position of the Polish government on extending the embargo on Ukrainian products.

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