Home » Zaporizhia Defense Plant Worker Was Russian Agent – ​​SBU

Zaporizhia Defense Plant Worker Was Russian Agent – ​​SBU

by alex

The Security Service of Ukraine has exposed a Russian military intelligence agent group operating in Zaporozhye.

How law enforcement officers established that one of the group members was an employee of a local strategic defense plant.

Exposing Russian agents in Zaporozhye: what is known

On exposing Russian agents In Zaporozhye, on September 17, the SBU was notified.

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Two local residents worked for the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (better known as the GRU), the security agency notes.

One of the agents was an employee of the strategic defense plant of Zaporozhye.

The woman passed on information to the enemy about the location of workshops where military products were manufactured, and also reported on missile strikes on the enterprise.

Another agent passed on information to the Russians about what he saw in the city or learned from acquaintances during everyday conversations.

He was detained at the very time when he was spying on units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

As the investigators established, the Russian agents exposed by the SBU were supposed to inform the invaders about air defense systems, deployment points of the Defense Forces, enterprises of the military-industrial complex, as well as routes for the supply of weapons and ammunition to the front lines.

The occupiers planned to carry out attacks based on the coordinates received from the agents blows.

During the searches, mobile phones and computer equipment with evidence of working for the enemy were found on the defendants.

The Russian agents have already been notified of suspicion under Part 2 of Article 111 (high treason committed under martial law) and Part 3 of Article 114-2 (unauthorized dissemination of information about the movement, movement or location of the Armed Forces of Ukraine) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine

The suspects are already in custody without the right to bail.

For what they have committed, they face life imprisonment with confiscation of property.

Recall that earlier in Odessa, law enforcement officers exposed a Russian agent who was spying on mobile air defense groups and the Lyut assault brigade.

The suspect was collecting coordinates for a new series of enemy strikes on the city.

The full-scale war in Ukraine has been going on for 937 years day.

You can monitor the situation in the cities on the interactive map of military operations in Ukraine and on the map of air raids in Ukraine.

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