Home » Zakharov praised the promise of the United States to pay for data on interference in elections

Zakharov praised the promise of the United States to pay for data on interference in elections

by alex

Maria Zakharova

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said of the U.S. promise to pay a reward for information about the interference in the elections. The corresponding message she posted in his Facebook account.

According to Zakharova, if the United States really begin to pay each up to ten million dollars for such information, the Department of State website “will fall from the denunciations of neighbors.”

Earlier, Secretary of state Mike, the US announced that the program of the state Department’s “Reward for justice” would suggest a reward for the identification or detection of criminals, which by order or under the control of foreign governments to influence U.S. elections. The American representative also mentioned that the program applies to both Russia and other malicious actors.

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