Home » Young American women decided to involve in politics Barbie dolls

Young American women decided to involve in politics Barbie dolls

by alex

Manufacturer company Mattel, Inc. in 2020, will release a set of four Barbie dolls, dedicated to the forthcoming presidential elections in the United States. About it reports ABC News.

Barbie ruler 2020 will include four puppets, each of which is associated with public and government positions: candidate, Manager, fundraiser and voter. As stated by the manufacturer, the purpose of the launch is to build girls ‘ interest in shaping the future of American society.

Senior Vice President, Mattel, Inc. Lisa McKnight explained that since 1959, Barbie has encouraged young Americans to leadership in the classroom, the community or country. Therefore, a new collection of dolls created with the goal “to eliminate barriers to leadership, giving girls the tools to imagine and to play their future role”.

Each of the four dolls presented in a new collection, different nationality, skin color, body type, clothing style. Lisa McKnight explained by the fact that today in the U.S. women make up less than a third of those elected to positions of leadership leaders, even fewer of them black women. Therefore, such a variety of types new Barbie aims to inspire all girls to reflect on his role in the struggle for expanded rights and opportunities and encourage them in the future to advance in leadership positions.

Earlier it was reported about a 22-year resident of Budapest, is similar to a Barbie doll, which was forced to leave work due to reduce men crazy beauty. She made a dozen plastic surgeries, however, faced with the fact that, according to her, after his Transfiguration it is sometimes not taken seriously.

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