Home » You need to think 10 thousand times, – Orban was disgraced by a statement about Ukraine and NATO

You need to think 10 thousand times, – Orban was disgraced by a statement about Ukraine and NATO

by alex

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that the question of Ukraine's accession to NATO will arise sooner or later. However, you need to think 10 thousand times whether to make such a decision.

Orban stated this on February 27 at the first meeting of the spring session of the Hungarian Parliament. The head of government was supposed to open it, but he was late, so he spoke last.

Orban was disgraced by the statement about Ukraine and NATO

Orban said that NATO provides security and is a matter of Hungary's national strategy. However, he is not enthusiastic about everything that happens in the Alliance.

According to the Hungarian prime minister, sooner or later the question of Ukraine's accession to NATO will arise.

We must think ten thousand times about the further expansion of NATO to the East, so that this does not drag Hungary into the war. Orban said.

At the same time, he added that this reservation does not apply to Sweden and Finland joining NATO.

Orban supports China's peace plan

According to the Prime Minister of Hungary, it is obvious that prices in the country will not return to pre-war levels. In particular, he noted the cost of the tripled gas price.

“The war is bad for Ukrainians, Russians, the Hungarian people, for Europe, and it is becoming more and more obvious that it is bad for the whole world,” Orban added.

The head of the Hungarian government also supported the peace plan proposed by China. In addition, he agreed with the opposition parties that there is another country between Hungary and Russia.

It should be noted that the opposition reacted in a peculiar way to Orban's speech. In particular, the deputies of the nationalist right-wing radical Jobbik party asked him which four districts Hungary would give to the Russians if it fought the Kremlin.

Is it possible that the Hungarian prime minister is a Russian agent? You are, in essence, maintaining the killer's world. Do you really want Ukraine to surrender. Shameful thinking and shameful behavior, – said the leader of the “Democratic Coalition” Ferenc Gyurcsany.

In turn, according to the Dialogue for Hungary party, the pressure and propaganda of Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin has narrowed Orban's room for maneuver so much that the prime minister goes against the will of his own voters when he votes for new EU sanctions and does not dare to say that the president Russia is the aggressor.

Note! On February 24, China proposed a 12-point “peace plan”. The document was published by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, the Office of the President believes that Beijing wants to freeze hostilities, and not promote peace.

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