Home » You need to go to the front, you'll die faster: a scandal with a physics teacher occurred at a Lviv school

You need to go to the front, you'll die faster: a scandal with a physics teacher occurred at a Lviv school

by alex

At Lviv Secondary Comprehensive School No. 30, a laboratory assistant and physics teacher began to aggressively scold students and said that they should be sent to the front so that they would “die faster”.

After the scandal, the teacher was reprimanded and suspended from working with schoolchildren.

This was reported by the Batki SOS community, educational ombudsman Nadezhda Leshchyk and the head of the education department of the Lviv City Council development department Andriy Zakalyuk.

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Scandal at a school in Lviv: a teacher sent children to front

A video has appeared online where, apparently, schoolchildren are holding their phones with the camera down, so the events themselves are not visible. However, you can hear the verbal altercation that broke out between the teacher and the students.

— You need to go to the front, to the front lines, maybe you'll die there faster. F***ers, I'm sick of it! F**ks, f**ks, — the teacher shouted on the video.

It is noted that similar scandalous statements by the teacher were made back in November of this year. The events themselves are taking place in Lviv Secondary School No. 30.

Reacting to the scandal, the head of the education department of the Lviv City Council development department, Andriy Zakalyuk, said that a corresponding commission had been created to clarify all the circumstances. However, the teacher himself has been suspended from working with children for now. The lab assistant was reprimanded and will not hold a similar position in the future.

Andrey Zakalyuk points out that while working with children, the teacher allowed unacceptable behavior and made offensive statements towards the students, which does not correspond to our values ​​and is unacceptable.

According to Zakalyuk, the lab assistant justifies his behavior by the fact that the 9th grade students violated the rules, which could have led to harm to their health. This, as the lab technician explained, was the reason for such a reaction to the children.

In turn, the educational ombudsman Nadezhda Leshchik stated that after the scandal with the teacher's statements, an appeal to the police was prepared, and a request was made to the education department regarding the circumstances of the case and the provision of all documents.

According to Leshchik, both sides will be heard, and therefore both the children, their parents, and witnesses of the case should contact the Office of the educational ombudsman.

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