Home » “Yesterday tanks, now planes”: Skabeeva admitted the proximity of the collapse of Russia

“Yesterday tanks, now planes”: Skabeeva admitted the proximity of the collapse of Russia

by alex

The partners' decision to provide tanks to Ukraine scared the Russians and their propaganda very much. It got to the point that they are already talking on the air that Russia is not very far from defeat in the war.

In particular, one of the most “bright” Kremlin propagandists, Olga, spoke about this Skabeeva during her show. Her panic on the airChannel 24 was controlled by our presenter Arsen Tsymbalyuk.

Tanks frightened Skabeeva

During their show Olga Skabeeva admitted that all this “looks very dangerous.” Like, the Russians were afraid of the supply of tanks from Germany, and then the United States of America joined in.

Do you personally have time to keep in mind the intensity of supplies? Yesterday there were tanks, now there are planes,” Skabeeva asked a speaker from a unit of Kadyrov’s troops.

The propagandist herself is ahead of events and tells her viewers that Ukraine is about to receive fighter jets from Western partners. But he says it's okay.

“I'm not calling for fear. You just need to either change your tactics or your attitude towards it. Everything is really becoming critically dangerous (for Russia, of course – Channel 24),” the Russian propagandist admits.

Such statements pursue a clear goal. Due to the supply of Western weapons, it is critically necessary for the Kremlin to announce the start of a “nationwide holy war against all of NATO”.

And as soon as possible to catch up to the front as much meat as possible. After all, it is known that the most effective weapon against American missiles and fighters is just those mobilized with Kalashnikov assault rifles in their hands. – the host of Channel 24 Arsen Tsymbalyuk ironically.

Simonyan does not lag behind

Of course, Olga Skabeeva is not far behind wallowed with the main fatalist of all Russia Margarita Simonyan. She fears that Russia simply has nothing to respond to the West's support for Ukraine.

To the question of where it is going and how it will end. Of course, there will be planes, and long-range missiles, and everything that is in the arsenal will be. They are like little children waiting for what we can do in return. I don't know what we can do,” admitted Margarita Simonyan.

Of course, the propagandist immediately started talking about nuclear weapons. However, she says that she would not use it “in our country”, because, they say, birds and flowers should not do anything.

But Simonyan is well aware that scarecrows with nuclear weapons will not even believe the Russians themselves. She came up with a way to scare her in a new way.

“And how do the Taliban feel there? Do they need anything? Perhaps we can help Iran with something? What does Iran need? And North Korea – we have nothing to help or what?” – the Russian propagandist started up.

Right now Russian propagandists are beginning to realize that all their nuclear blackmail against Russia, all their policies of the last 15 years have failed – once and for all. At the moment when the German Chancellor announced the transfer of tanks to Ukraine.

Who will transfer the tanks to Ukraine

  • A significant contribution to the supply of tanks to Ukraine will be made USA and Great Britain. The States will transfer 31 M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, and the United Kingdom – 14 Challenger 2 tanks.
  • Germany's decision to transfer Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine was a real breakthrough. Poland, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Finland will also provide us with this type of weapon , Canada and Denmark.
  • In addition, Ukraine will receive more modernized T-72s from Poland, Morocco and the Czech Republic. At the same time, France is donating AMX-10 RC light wheeled tanks to us and is considering providing Leclerc heavy tanks.

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