Home » У Зеленского обещают “специальную полицейскую операцию” для мародеров на оккупированных территориях

У Зеленского обещают “специальную полицейскую операцию” для мародеров на оккупированных территориях

by alex

In recent weeks, cases of looting in the occupied territories have become more frequent. Ukraine will not leave this unanswered – the Office of the President promises a “special police operation”.

The adviser to the head of the President's Office on his Twitter page threatened the occupiers with a response to their crimes.

Russian criminal gangs have stepped up

The fact that the buyers are looking for an apartment where there are no owners, they are taking out equipment, furniture, stealing cars, deputy of the Kherson Regional Council Serhiy Khlan recalled on his Facebook page.

“The National Police of Ukraine records cases of robberies. Recently robberies were recorded in Kherson, in other settlements in the region. Just mass robberies, “said Sergey Khlan.

Russian looting: latest news

  • Russian criminals began to sell the loot property of Ukrainians in Lisichansk and Severodonetsk. These are mainly household items, appliances and even carpets.
  • The stolen laptops were also noticed at the Central Election Commission in Moscow. And so that Russian users do not guess where the technology came from, they did not find anything better than sketching Ukrainian letters with varnish.
  • Mental abilities and advancement in modern technology are not the strengths of Russians. So, one of the Russian servicemen, who robbed apartments in Irpen, managed to “burn himself” red-handed when he independently took a photo on the owner's Pollaroid camera. The Prosecutor General's office informed him of suspicion of violating the laws and customs of war.
  • Due to their stupidity, the Russians managed to fail with the theft of Ukrainian crops in the Kherson region. The fact is that the Russians stole it and drove it into check harvesters, so now there is nothing to harvest the wheat, and it rots in the fields.

To the topic – Occupants boast of looting: watch the video

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