Home » Xi really liked it: will China decide to produce an analogue of Shahed together with Russia?

Xi really liked it: will China decide to produce an analogue of Shahed together with Russia?

by alex

Xi really liked it: will China dare to produce an analogue of “Shahed” together with Russia Victoria Grabovskaya

China and Russia are developing a new drone, which is an analogue of the Iranian “Shahed”. According to Western media, it is allegedly already undergoing testing. However, Russia has allegedly not yet used the new UAVs on the battlefield.

President of the public organization “Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine” Artur Kharitonov told 24 Channel that the emergence of a joint Russian-Chinese project to produce drones was expected. However, Beijing may participate in it indirectly – through its proxies.

A logical step

China, according to Kharitonov, is a huge “murder factory”, as well as an accomplice in the absolute number of Russian crimes. It provides Russia with comprehensive technical support, the capacities that it has at its factories, or provides supplies to Russian enterprises.

Creation of an analogue of “Shahed” joint production was a logical step, because the production of the Iranian Shahed is critically dependent on Chinese supplies. The vast majority of materials for its production are supplied to Iran also from China. The same as for the production of weapons in Russia, he emphasized.

China was very interested in the Iranian Shaheds, although it has a large number of its own developments. Already during the war in Ukraine, Iranian oppositionists reported that Xi Jinping was purchasing large numbers of these drones because he really liked how they worked. Perhaps then the PRC intended to develop something similar.

“Saturate” with components

However, even if China does not advertise its participation in the creation of an analogue of the Shahed, North Korea could join it. Beijing will also “saturate” Pyongyang with components through Moscow, and it will produce them.

“It is most likely that China will use this option. It is not interested in producing these drones under with their own label, but it is profitable to bring components to North Korea. The Russians will take finished drones from there, and will claim that they are of Russian-North Korean production. And China will have nothing to do with it. “, explained Arthur Kharitonov.

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