Home » Women's march is an alarming sign for protesters: Olevsky suggested the finale of events in Georgia

Women's march is an alarming sign for protesters: Olevsky suggested the finale of events in Georgia

by alex

What will be the result of the protests in Georgia will probably become known in the next day, or even at night. If 10,000 people, again gathered at the walls of parliament, can prove that their rights cannot be wiped off their feet, something will change.

This was announced on Channel 24 by Russian opposition journalist, editor of The Insider Timur Olevsky. He spoke of a wake-up call that could end the protests.

Women's marches – the beginning of the end

Timur Olevsky noted an interesting fact that could affect the course of the protests. He stressed that after the special forces drove the protesters out of the parliament building at night, a women's march had already taken place in the morning. And this is a very worrying sign.

“Because women’s marches are the beginning of the end of protests. I saw this in Belarus. While people were fighting with policemen, there was a chance that Belarusians would succeed. said the journalist.

Timur Olevsky about the revolution in Georgia: watch the video

Age is another aspect

In addition, the age category of the protesters plays an important role. According to Olevsky, for now this is a TikTok protest. That is, quite young people are involved there.

“This is important because it seemed to me that the split into supporters of the current government nostalgic for the past and those who demand changes to improve their lives occurs precisely according to the age principle. The fact that they had few older people at the protest, I thought: nothing they won’t succeed tonight,” the speaker suggested.

Olevsky believes that in order to achieve a result, it is necessary that their parents stand along with the children. Only then will these protests lead to something.

If not, those who voted for this law will take note and will act as they did before: be more careful, tightening the screws on the public and partially bribe activists, as Putin did, ”the journalist shared his version.

Protests in Georgia: the latest

  • The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry commented on the events in Georgia. In particular, they noted that the draft law in its current version is contrary to European values and standards.
  • “Putin is fucked” and “Russian warship, go fuck yourself” – Ukrainian slogans sounded at the Georgian protests.
  • Earlier it was reported that President Salome Zurabishvili intends to veto the scandalous law.

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