Home » Will Ukrainians receive subpoenas in Dia

Will Ukrainians receive subpoenas in Dia

by alex

In the Dia app, a new service has been announced – an electronic military ID. After that, a lot of speculation and fakes appeared on the topic of whether Ukrainians would be sent subpoenas through the application.

Mstyslav Banik, head of electronic services development at the Ministry of Digital Development, once again dotted the “i”.

In an interview, he admitted that he was repeatedly asked about the possibility of serving subpoenas through Diya, including during the economic forum in Davos. Banik explained that the work to digitalize the military registration of the register of persons liable for military service on the side of the Ministry of Defense was going on even before the full-scale invasion. One of the first steps was just a reform in the place of residence.

To change the place of residence, a man had to be removed from the military register and registered elsewhere, so this was often avoided so that the summons would not find them. And if you change the place of registration in Diya, we will simply notify that a certain citizen has changed his address,” said the head of electronic services development.

The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers, which caused such publicity, really simply settled the issues of some acts that adopted after 2014, and the Ministry of Digital Development continues to streamline these issues.

“Therefore, a military ID will appear in Diya sooner or later, but I cannot say that we are working on it now. As for the agendas, they will not be in Diya “, he stressed.

How to provide information to a conscript or reservist through Diya

Military registration should conducted through the Unified State Register of conscripts, conscripts and reservists. If a citizen of Ukraine liable for military service is not in this register, he can use the Diya portal.

You should indicate your place of residence. It should be noted that the mechanism and requirements for the technical description of the electronic information exchange service between Dia and the Unified State Register of Persons liable for military service will be established by the Ministry of Defense.

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