Home » Will the winter be frosty: the climatologist spoke about the weather change

Will the winter be frosty: the climatologist spoke about the weather change

by alex

Because of the full-scale war and the authorities' statements about preparations for the heating season, Ukrainians are wondering whether to expect a cold winter.< /p>

As noted by the head of the climate department of the NGO Ecodia, Yevgenia Zasiadko, the winter in 2021 was quite mild. However, the situation in 2022 may be different.

Severe or mild winter

Evgenia Zasyadko believes that no one can say for sure what the winter will be like: very frosty or mild and snowless. This is particularly affected by the summer heat, the season when people use air conditioners heavily.

Because of this, the increase in emissions into the atmosphere has increased again. The situation has worsened again, the climatologist emphasized.

In addition, annual record highs in temperature rise cast doubt on a severe winter. Now the whole south of Europe is suffering from severe drought and fires, and due to the actions of mankind, the temperature is rising faster than ever before.

Of course, this does not mean that summer heat awaits us in winter, but the truly winter months will be shorter. And while in today's difficult environment, such data may allow you to exhale a little easier, this warming also carries threats. In particular, due to a sharp drop in the amount of water in the rivers.

Then the spring rains saved the situation. But, if this had not happened, Kyivvodokanal was already going to partially cut off water for consumers due to the risk of its shortage, – said Evgenia Zasiadko.

What they say in Naftogaz

Despite weather forecasts, the head of the state gas company Naftogaz, Yuriy Vitrenko, said that Ukraine is facing the coldest winter in recent decades. This is due to the fact that the temperature in the rooms will be set at 17-18 degrees, which is about 4 degrees below the norm.

Therefore, Naftogaz asked Ukrainians to stock up on blankets and warm clothes in case the temperature the street will drop to -10 degrees and below.

What determines how Ukrainians survive the winter:

  • from Ukraine's international allies, who will provide the necessary funds to import gas for 4 billion cubic meters,
  • from Russia's actions, because it is possible that during the heating season a terrorist country may intentionally destroy gas infrastructure or reduce its gas supplies to Europe.

Winter in 2023: expert forecasts

  • The Center for Energy Efficiency is also urging people to prepare for an extremely difficult winter. Rising inflation, higher energy costs, increased energy blackmail by the Kremlin – all this indicates that the 2022 heating season will not be easy. Moreover, it is likely that this winter is only the first among the difficult ones.
  • Minister of Social Policy Oksana Zholnovich said that the government has taken measures to pre-purchase various kinds of materials so that the payment does not increase in winter. Also this year, approximately the same number of subsidies is expected, which was in the past. At the same time, there is money in the budget in order to pay the subsidy even if there are more subsidies.
  • The White House said that the United States immediately realized that the winter would be difficult, because Russia would use fuel, as a means of pressure on the European Union to ease sanctions. Therefore, in March 2022, we began to prepare partners for a likely threat and help increase the volume of alternative energy sources.

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