Home » Will the US Senate vote on aid to Ukraine by the end of 2023: party leaders answered

Will the US Senate vote on aid to Ukraine by the end of 2023: party leaders answered

by alex

The US Senate will not vote to provide additional aid to Ukraine/Collage 24 Channel

The US Senate will not vote on a package to provide additional aid to Ukraine. This also applies to the issue of strengthening US border security until early next year.

Despite this, Republicans and Democrats will continue their work. This was announced by leaders of both parties on December 19 in Washington.

Disputes in Congress

< p>The US Senate will not vote on the aid package for Ukraine in 2023.

An agreement between Republicans and the White House regarding changes in immigration legislation to which the aid package to Ukraine is tied has still not been reached. However, Democratic leader Chuck Schumer assures that negotiations on this issue will continue in the future.

Our negotiators will work very hard during the December and January recess, and our goal is to get something done as soon as we get back,” Schumer said.

At the same time, the second Senate Republican, John Thune, said that an agreement will not be reached by January 2024. According to him, Democrats have lost time until it was possible to agree on an agreement on the security of the southern border with Mexico before Christmas.

In a joint statement, Schumer and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said the negotiators were “making encouraging progress” but “challenging issues remain.”

What preceded this

  • On December 6, the US Senate put the issue of aid to Ukraine to a vote, but the bill was rejected. Republicans did not approve increasing funding for Ukraine without additional measures. They are interested in reducing the record number of migrants trying to cross the US border illegally.
  • Biden subsequently said he would be willing to make significant concessions on border security. The White House and the US Congress tried to reach an agreement providing for military assistance to Ukraine and Israel. This was also supposed to help prevent illegal migration across the southern border with Mexico.
  • On December 14, it became known that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer had made an important decision for Ukraine. He decided to keep members in town next week to vote on $61 billion in military aid.
  • However, the Republicans went on their Christmas holiday without permission. The White House called on the US Congress to postpone the Christmas holidays and pass bills on border security, as well as support the decision to help Ukraine and Israel. Despite this, the Republicans decided not to postpone their vacation and left Washington. Therefore, the White House harshly criticized the Republican House of Representatives.
  • At the same time, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Michael Johnson, rejected all accusations and criticism of the White House. He blamed Joe Biden, and his spokesman Raj Shah said that “everything is blocked on the table” of the US president.

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