Home » Why Zaluzny disclosed the number of military dead: expert's answer

Why Zaluzny disclosed the number of military dead: expert's answer

by alex

Unfortunately, not only our enemies die in war. Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valeriy Zaluzhny at the forum of veterans told how many Ukrainian defenders have died since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion.

Although these losses were not disclosed before. Ivan Stupak, a former employee of the SBU, an expert at the Ukrainian Institute for the Future, explained why they became known only now. He said this on the air of Channel 24.

He believes that in the first months of the war it was generally inappropriate to talk about losses on the Ukrainian side. Moreover, at that time they were not fully known, it was difficult to count them. It took time.

Now, according to Zaluzhny, 9 thousand Ukrainian soldiers have died, including not only military personnel, but also terrorist defense fighters and everyone who took up arms.

I am more than I am sure that no one will hide the real losses of the Ukrainians. Now we have been told this figure, because it was unfair to our people to keep it secret, Stupak emphasized.

After the war, this list will be by name, the expert is sure.

Why Ukraine and the West have different assessments of Russia's losses

According to rough estimates of the General Staff, only in the past day, on August 24, Ukrainian soldiers liquidated 150 infidels. For the entire duration of the full-scale war, the Armed Forces of Ukraine sent 45,850 Putin soldiers to the “Kobzon concert”.

However, other figures are sometimes heard in the foreign media. In particular, they talk about 15,000 dead Russians during the six months of the great war.

Ivan Stupak explained that these figures vary because Western sources are forced to talk about an “impartial minimum” as of now. That is, this figure is definitely not lower than this estimate of foreign experts.

This is precisely confirmed by the losses of Russia – with photos and details even of weapons destroyed by Russia. Ukraine is conducting an assessment based on photos, videos and reports of Ukrainian intelligence officers. Some of them could not be fixed,” Stupak explained.

However, when the war is over, these disagreements in numbers will be approximately within 15-20%, the expert believes.

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