Home » Why the world ignored the complaints and threats of Russia because of the tanks for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Why the world ignored the complaints and threats of Russia because of the tanks for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

by alex

Imagine: German tanks with white crosses cross the Vistula and drive east to destroy the Russian army. Side by side with them are tanks from the US and the UK. Agree, this is exactly what the worst dream of a Russian quilted jacket looks like. However, that is the reality now. Read more in the exclusive blog for Channel 24 website.

Budapest memorandum starts working

Today I propose to analyze the hysteria of Russian propaganda in response to the receipt of NATO tanks by Ukraine.

This week, the implementation of the Budapest Memorandum reached 50% of its capacity. According to this document, 29 years ago Ukraine gave up its nuclear potential – the third largest in the world.

Nuclear weapons and their delivery vehicles were partially destroyed, partially transferred to other major members of the nuclear club in exchange for guarantees of security and territorial integrity from USA, UK, Russia and China.

Why do I say that this document is now being implemented by 50%? Yes, because the United States and Great Britain are not yet providing us with the long-range weapons and aircraft we need. China wanted to sneeze at this memorandum. He pretends that the memorandum means nothing – and even throws mud at Ukraine in his propaganda. Well, you can see how Russia has been implementing this document since 2014.

Budapest is realized on average somewhere in half. But even this is enough to make Russia tremble and literally turn blue. This time – not from hawthorn, but from fear.

How propagandists reacted to tanks for Ukraine

On the historic decision of Berlin and Washington to supply of tanks to Ukraine on an industrial scale, the first to react was, of course, the main senile Russian propaganda – Vladimir Solovyov.

Soloviev's reaction to Western tanks for Ukraine: video

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After the delivery of tanks to Ukraine, Solovyov promises us something revolutionary. What awaits us in the near future? Of course, they didn't come up with it themselves, but I'll help them.

Soon, as part of the “going according to plan” special operation, the Russian army will launch the unprecedented operation “Cunning Run”. To divert attention, the soldiers will retreat to the borders of 1991. They will do this in order to take a run from there and fly from it to Lviv, Lisbon and Washington at the same time.

After Solovyov, the representative of Russia to the OSCE started his song: video

That's it, let's get the tanks back, because the Russians have figured us out. Our “plan” to contaminate our own territory with armor-piercing shells has failed. Our cherished “dream” of turning Ukraine into Yugoslavia and Iraq will remain a “dream”. The Russians will not let us do this.

After all, the Russians, as you know, are the “orderlies” of this planet. They “care” about the environment and all wars start just because.

  • Remember the use of Russian chemical weapons in the Syrian city of Guta.
  • Remember the Russian phosphorus bombs along the entire front in Ukraine.
  • Remember the fields of the Kherson region burned by Russian artillery in the height of summer, and how the Russians methodically destroyed fire trucks trying to extinguish the flames.

The Russians simply wanted to show the whole world how devastating the effect of such weapons can be. And now these maniacs are suggesting everyone not to use tanks on the battlefield simply because then they will be finished.

In addition, the main maniac (Vladimir Putin – Channel 24) even got out of his bunker on the occasion of providing tanks to Ukraine and burst into languid threats against his adored Germany.

Putin spoke about Germany: video

Well, that's it, Germany, wrap up the tanks. Putin on the 12th month of the “three-day special operation” hinted that he could “repeat”.

The Russians want to transfer nuclear weapons to the Taliban

There are those in Russia who have begun to think soberly. And this, for a second, Skabeeva.

Skabeeva in a panic because of Western tanks in Ukraine: video

In practice this happens within the framework of the manual. Skabeeva's show is a kind of platform for pseudo-discussion, an island of manual pluralism on Russian screens.

Skabeeva called for a change in tactics: video

Why do you think this is being done? Everything is very simple. In connection with the resolute actions of the West, the Kremlin urgently needs to announce to its masses the beginning of a “nationwide holy war” against the whole of NATO and to drive more mobilized to the front as soon as possible. After all, as you know, “the most effective weapon” against American missiles and fighters is those mobilized with Kalashnikov assault rifles in their hands.

However, in matters of understanding life and death, no Skabeeva even stood next to the main fatalist – Simonyan. She hinted that now Russia will “definitely” bomb everyone with nuclear weapons.

Simonyan threatens with nuclear weapons: video

Russian propagandists have already threatened with nuclear weapons. Therefore, even Simonyan did not repeat this for the fourth time. Even the Russians themselves will not believe it anymore. So she came up with an original way out of the situation – to transfer nuclear weapons to others.

Propagandist offers to transfer nuclear weapons to the Taliban: video

Imagine an armored train with nuclear warheads, plying on the route Moscow – Kabul. It is “kindly” passed through their territories by Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and other countries. As well as an airliner with nuclear materials landing freely at the Pyongyang airport. It's “so easy” to do, and most importantly: “We won't get anything for it,” Simonyan hints.

But she's disingenuous. Because she doesn't trust herself. Right now it is beginning to dawn on her and all the propagandists that all their words, all the nuclear blackmail of Russia, all its policy of the last 15 years have failed. Once and for all.

Scholz changed the Western world

At the moment when the German Federal Chancellor said: “We will hand over German tanks to Ukraine from all over Europe” – the Western world turned upside down.

Western leaders will never again pay attention to the words of Russia. That is what happened now. The threats of Putin, Russia's representative to the OSCE and all propagandists were ignored by all Western leaders and relevant institutions.

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