Home » Why opponents of aid to Ukraine are coming to power in Europe: a frank interview with Podolyak

Why opponents of aid to Ukraine are coming to power in Europe: a frank interview with Podolyak

by alex

Interview with Mikhail Podolyak / Collage 24 Channel

In September 2023, the party of pro-Russian politician Robert Fico won the parliamentary elections in Slovakia. At the same time, the Dutch parliament may be headed by the leader of the anti-European far-right party Geert Wilders. Both politicians are opposed to helping Ukraine in the war against Russia.

Thus, Russia’s full-scale war against our state provoked many chaotic processes in different parts of the world. Therefore, it is likely that far-right politicians will increasingly come to power in Europe. The adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, in an exclusive interview with Channel 24 , spoke in detail about why this is happening, how Russia systemically contributed to this, and also why Vladimir Putin was invited to the G20 summit, where Joe Biden and Xi Jinping were absent.

Vladimir Putin was given the floor at the G20 summit. The G20 is something about the economy, development, a better future, which the largest and most civilized countries in the world are striving for. And then suddenly Putin spoke. Last year he was not there, this year he was seated at this virtual table. What does this mean for Ukraine and the world?

It doesn’t mean anything, because there is an inferior twenty, and it did not discuss significant issues. Until it is reformatted and those countries are truly concentrated there that are ready to prescribe new rules of behavior, including economic ones, and make sure that these rules are mandatory for everyone – by this time the G20 will most likely have a PR effect: got together and talked about something. Moreover, such speeches will be completely irrelevant for the topics that Putin proposed.

Putin sounds like a man who wants to undergo a psychiatric analysis in absentia. That is, a person comes to a large forum where you need to talk about what you are doing to make the world more or less stable. Putin says that aggression is bad, and we need to think about how to stop it, but he himself started the aggression. Today he is the main sponsor of aggression, escalation, chaos in the world, is in the occupied territories and did not come to Ukraine to talk about peace.

In general, this is surprising to me: “we (Russians – Channel 24) are ready for peace negotiations.” That is, you go into war and deliberately kill people in order to talk to them about peace? Well, this is specific schizophrenia, let's call a spade a spade. But Putin has always behaved like this – he said absurd things. It’s just clearly visible today.

If you start listening to this, you understand that the person is not adequate, realistic, absolutely does not even have a basic level of knowledge on which to rely, carry out some kind of analysis, etc. Therefore, Putin, speaking, compensates for his personal fears and guilt.

Full interview with Mikhail Podolyak: watch the video

Putin, as a person with a number of huge complexes, escapes into a world where he wants to find an excuse for the fact that he came to a foreign land precisely for the sake of mass murder. He thought that these murders would be forgiven him, because no one would analyze what kind of murders they were, their number and what was the motivation of people to do it.

In Russia they believed that when they quickly captured Ukraine, they would be able to slightly slaughter the most patriotic citizens of another country. That is, they will be filtered out, then destroyed in concentration camps, etc. and few will know about this, because the whole story will be moderated by the Soviet Union 2.0.

I just want us all to understand and record this. So, having all this in his subconscious, Putin wants to say that they “have always been for peace” – they kill people because they are for peace, they want to destroy Ukraine because they are for peace, etc.

Putin says that it is necessary to somehow decide how to stop the tragedy, while under his tenure. For such statements in Russia they can be imprisoned for seven years.

No, let's put the right emphasis here. Putin wants to allow it, but what does he want? He talks about negotiations, but Russia does not even translate the meaning of the word into negotiations. The main thing for Russia is that it does not lose the war, and for this they need to do three things today:

  • significantly reduce the intensity of the war in order to invest in the military component of its economy. That is, in order to accumulate weapons and not depend, for example, on Iran or North Korea;
  • try to change attitudes towards the war. The Russians failed to do this both at the beginning of the war, and inside, and even after the outbreak of the conflict in the Middle East. It was not possible to change the attitude of primarily European countries to what is happening in Ukraine;
  • Putin wants us to start bringing our internal problems to the forefront, and then Ukraine will not look as capable as it does today. These are obvious things from Putin.

And the main thing for Putin is to move to the Minsk format , that is, endless negotiations. Over the entire period there were 200 rounds of them, and 23 times even a truce was declared in Donbass. However, if you compare it with what is happening today, these are completely different things.

The Russians carried out these Minsk formats in order to constantly humiliate Ukraine. That is, they started the war in 2014, made a foothold for themselves, and then during negotiations they tell us to come to an agreement with the bandits who will kill us and also control our territories.

Ukraine says this is impossible. And after that, Russia constantly says on various platforms that it offered negotiations.

What was the motivation for listening to Putin’s speech? Is this a tribute to the format? Attempts to listen and try to find some points of intersection and reach an agreement in the future from Europe and the G20? Or is this just some kind of documentation of a crime and a confession by Putin?

Not documenting the crime and not admitting Putin. There are still a number of countries that really consider Russia a powerful player and today, taking advantage of the moment when Russia has weakened a little in terms of global influence, they want to support it. To get some speculative premiums on raw materials, your personal influence on something. No more, that is, this is a game of increasing one’s value at the expense of the falling “colossus”.

Russia is already missing all its chances to be a global player in the future. The rest use the residual value of Russia to increase their value. We see absolutely thoughtful behavior of the PRC in this regard. Today they communicate directly from the United States. What Russia did yesterday.

That is, China, using Russia, has pushed it somewhere to the bottom of the list of those whom it will support. I want everyone to understand: China will not support Russia from the point of view of how you and I understood it a year or two years ago.

For China, Russia was needed precisely in order to increase its value in the global political market. They did it, and now Russia is to their advantage. And so do other countries that are members of the G20. They want to use Russia to increase their weight, to influence some processes somewhere. Let us just emphasize that there were no key countries at the G20. Even in virtual format.

Joe Biden and Xi Jinping did not attend the G20 summit / Getty Images

Analysts call the absence of Joe Biden and Xi Jinping at the G20 summit “public ignorance.” We saw that China can communicate with Russia both on its territory and on Chinese territory, but they were not at the summit.

China can communicate with Russia in any format. It seems to me that the favorite of the People's Republic of China is Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. As far as I understand, for China Mishustin is more adequate than Putin. But this is a Chinese issue. Beijing has the right to choose levels of communication, because this is a national interest.

However, China did not participate in the G20 summit because Putin is not on the level of Joe Biden and Xi Jinping. They are not doctors to listen to the confession of a person who perceives the modern world painfully and makes it toxic.

During the summit, Joe Biden and Xi Jinping would listen to something that has nothing to do with the attempt of the large countries, which include the United States, the People's Republic of China, which is now forming its camp, and Ukraine. These countries will prescribe rules that will not need to be broken.

Russia is fundamentally a country that encourages everyone to break the rules. And this does not suit those who want to control this world from the point of view of their future. The United States and China want to have a predictable future with respect to their national economies, national security doctrines, and national political interests, particularly foreign policy.

Russia, on the contrary, is selling the concept – let's break everything. They want to destroy everything so that they can have the right to violence as the only important construct of foreign policy. The Russians finance terrorist organizations, in particular Hamas. In addition, the Kremlin wants to discredit large brands that could claim control over global rules.

Russia deliberately behaves as unconstructively as possible, for example, in the UN Security Council. Not only should the aggressor country not be there, Russia also sends absolutely absurd people there, who irritate with their theses even those who take a neutral position there.

When individual Vasily Nebenzya (Russia’s permanent representative to the UN – Channel 24) comes in and says that Russia “adheres” to international law, saying that we kill, but we kill according to the rules, this prompts even neutral countries to look at this with skepticism.

Why is Russia doing this? Discrediting the residual value of an international institution and also discrediting it through Putin. Although the Russian president plays this seriously because he has no platforms. Putin doesn’t want to go to a psychoanalyst, so he goes out onto the platform and tries to sell his rather primitive vision of the world: violence, murder, dominants, the “Russian world”, which should stride around the world and dominate.

Nobody from really big countries needs this. When you sit and virtually listen to a toxic and archaic person who definitely won’t add anything to you, it means that you sanctify his presence. Why do big countries need a toxic character?

Regarding the venues, Putin even personally came to the CSTO meeting in such crazy weather.

The CSTO dies after the events in Nagorno-Karabakh. They clearly stated that there is no such political structure as the CSTO, CIS, etc. And that's good, because these are vestiges of the Soviet Union. They must die for other alliances to arise, countries must focus on other leaders.

For example, for the Central Asian countries of the former Soviet Union, it is important to focus on China, Great Britain, Turkey, etc., but definitely not on Russia, which sells its inferiority complexes for some “influential” global policy. It is not right.

Organization of a collective security treaty

Military-political international organization, which includes Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan.

Putin is a completely dense person. He attributed that Mikhail Lermontov wrote the poem while participating in the process of burning Moscow and witnessed it. This speaks volumes about Putin’s entire “understanding” of historical processes, who is who within the framework of the historical process, that there are works of art, and there are historically more or less truthful works.

The President of Russia apparently reads fantasy, where one of the Black Hundreds, such as Zakhar Prilepin or Sergei Lukyanenko, wrote fantasy. They may have written something fantasy about a Ukraine that didn't exist 400 years ago. Putin reads this, and after that he goes out and tries to “justify” his specific personal crime.

He twice initiated a war against Ukraine with the intention of killing citizens of another country as cruelly and on a large scale as possible. And there is no justification for this. The person is a specific criminal. The President of Russia came to kill. Only Putin does this not personally, but using the accumulated resources of Russia.

The key task is the large-scale murder of the civilian population of another country, humiliation due to murder and rape. They systematically went about killing Ukrainians and raping Ukrainian women and children, because this was a well-thought-out foreign policy doctrine of humiliating another nation.

In the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine there are those people who, perhaps, expected the arrival of the Russians and waited. The Russians hate these civilian collaborators like slaves. For Russians, they are third-rate rabble that no one will ever respect.

Do you understand who these people are for us and who these people are for the Russians? So, just put yourself in the place of these people who made the choice to renounce Ukraine for the sake of those who do not value you at all. Putin wanted to do this to everyone.

That is, for the whole of Ukraine to destroy someone, for example, 15 – 20%. Some were taken away and deported like children, while others had to turn into collaborators who happily ran around with Russian flags, but they were looked at as slaves. Putin wants to justify all this and says strange things, based on some kind of fantasy.

Putin wants to be present everywhere. He wants to repeat this wherever he is at an economic, cultural or youth forum in Russia. Putin is everywhere, but everywhere he says the same thing: Russia “did not lose” the war, “destroyed” the entire Ukrainian army and supposedly “no one supports” Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin / Getty Images

He repeats again that the Russians had no other choice. Putin says this nonsense everywhere because he understands his personal historical function. Putin will always be a vile creature and he understands it. An insignificant person who has already ended his career 20 times because of professional incompetence suddenly becomes the President of Russia. And after that, it occurred to him that he could be a historical figure on the level of Peter I, but he would be a completely different figure.

Now we move on to the sites of the former Soviet Union – they do not work and will fall apart. All countries that are members of the CSTO or the CIS understand four things:

  • Russia is weak. It is large quantitatively, but in terms of technology it is a lagging country, 10 to 15 years behind the West. To have a relationship with her is to always have a weapon that will be half a generation behind modern weapons;
  • Russia is very toxic. As soon as you deal with Russia, everyone starts looking at you pickily and you will have problems. That is, there is no point in being in the same union with Russia if you want to be a more global player, for example, an economic one;
  • Cooperation with Russia always leads to Russia lying to you in the end. That is, he will break the contract, unexpectedly for you, or, conversely, you read this contract incorrectly and still owe something. Any cooperation with Russia always leads to the fact that in the end you are to blame and will be a debtor;
  • if Russia dominates the alliance, then it wants its partners to be absolutely base countries that have no income, people feel unhappy and constantly rebel. To do this, Russia needs to prevent the economies of these countries from developing. If you want to have a stable internal political space, then it is strictly forbidden for Russia to be nearby.

Wherever Russia is a close ally, it invests in internal disorder. So that economically people feel absolutely uncomfortable, so that politically there will always be parties saying that if we kneel even more before Russia, then gas will be another 2 dollars cheaper. Today everyone is beginning to understand this.

The war in Ukraine launched a more comprehensive understanding of what the real Russia is. Not the fictitious Russia that everyone feared. Today everyone looks meticulously at Russia and understands that it is an extremely unpromising country. Therefore, all these CIS and CSTO will gradually fall apart, and Russia will finally occupy a historically motivated place in the conditional third or even fourth world of technologically backward countries.

The main thing I would like is for Russia to have a constant revolutionary process on its territory. They wanted us to have an endless war, and I want them to have an endless revolution.

At the negotiations, Alexander Lukashenko said that the CSTO needs to be stronger and more united. Like, this is still a long way off, and they only start to move when something flares up.

But even if something flares up somewhere, and has already flared up, then no one will move there anyway. He told old Soviet legends about how cool the Soviet Union lived and he will talk about the same theses endlessly, because he is a primitive stereotyped type.

In the end, if you have been the president of a country since 1994, which today is completely dependent on Russia’s finances and is absolutely not subject to the global market, then, of course, you are very “cool” prepared, saying in 2023 that we need to unite. What have you been doing for 30 years?

Well, this is surprising, you have been president for 30 years, everyone ignores you, you are not considered a subject of political life even in the post-Soviet space. Lukashenko is a ma'am character. We just remember it from time to time; we have quite complicated relations with Belarus. But Lukashenko himself, from a historical perspective, is a ma’am character, a bloody anecdotal character. And he will remain like this forever.

All his rhetorical appeals to someone are absolutely meaningless. It does not affect any processes at all. It does not fully influence management processes in Belarus; everything is influenced by other people. He always agrees with them, then passes it off as his internal policy.

Moreover, Lukashenko does not have any inside information, he never had any. He does not understand the processes that are taking place in the world, in Ukraine and even in Russia. He has no possibility for the future. Unless it’s some kind of legal matter, I’ll say it delicately. But all his hopes that he will somehow survive after everything that has happened are useless hopes.

Alexander Lukashenko made a new statement / Getty Images

Lukashenko will pay the appropriate price and it will be right, because the karmic nature of history is an important thing. And Putin will pay, and Russia as a whole. The point is not only that Ukraine is interested in this. No, this is a mandatory historical process. Everything is always put in its place. It’s just that this will happen much faster today than it did in the middle of the last century.

For example, Nazi Germany was very structured. How many years did it last? About 15 years. There, an ideology was financed and thought out to justify mass murder.

What do we have in Russia today? This is simply a quantitatively large neo-empire, but it does not have a well-thought-out ideology. It does not have a well-thought-out system of logical explanations for why we need to kill people in other countries, unlike the Nazi ideology. They at least explained why they had to commit genocide and kill large numbers of people.

That is, Russia is an absolutely unviable system that must finance its terminal existence. That's what she's doing now. That is, it is now spending all its money so that after losing the war it will be a completely cash-strapped territory.

Regarding elections in neighboring countries, an ultra-right party won the parliamentary elections in the Netherlands, and its head Geert Wilders, an ardent supporter of Viktor Orban, has already managed to rejoice at the election results. We see that with the new elections in European countries, people are choosing far-right parties.

This is a completely understandable process. The sharp turn “to the right” is obvious, and Russia has systematically invested in this. How did she do it? Let's take the Finnish border for example. Russia sends Pakistani and Afghan migrants there, who are supposed to “storm Helsinki”, etc. Today this is happening all over Europe, it is a multi-year program.

Far-right parties

Political organizations characterized by conservative, nationalist or patriotic views, and often with a strong emphasis on issues of identity, tradition and social values. Far-right parties may have different approaches to economic and social issues, but their views are usually characterized by a conservative approach. These parties often support strict controls on immigration, emphasize national identity, and are opposed to globalization. They may oppose international agreements and place issues of national sovereignty at the center of their political agenda.

For example, the policy of multiculturalism, moderated by the same Angela Merkel at one time, was supposed to solve the problem of an insufficiently qualified labor force to replace these deficits for European countries.

But Putin has always used this as pressure on the internal political process in these countries. He believed that reflective intellectual politicians of the classical European type would lose to charismatic, tough, far-right or ultra-left parties.

For Putin, these are very important processes. The war in Ukraine provoked many processes of chaos in different regions. These chaos provoke, in particular, migration. We see the Middle East, the African continent. The Middle East is not only Southern Israel or the Gaza Strip, it is said about the Middle East as a whole.

There is a lot of chaos, and people are starting to put pressure. What will the migrants put pressure on? To the most, let's say, orderly countries. Those where there is money, where there are jobs, where the quality, service, and standard of living are much higher than where they were. They do not come to these countries to assimilate. Putin understands this perfectly.

Those who come to the territory of wealthy countries hate these countries. Because they believe that they are to blame, that they should work in these countries, and not vice versa. Putin wants it to dominate Europe. And therefore, if he continues the war in Ukraine, the ultra-right will increasingly come to power in Europe, focusing on a single Nazi state in today’s world – Russia.

European communities are tired of all the negativity they see on their soil today. And then the charismatic far right comes out and says we will ban this, we will abolish this, increase the money for you, close the borders, remove the migrants, stop the uncontrolled proliferation of weapons.

By the way, Russia constantly says that there is an uncontrolled proliferation of weapons through Ukraine. This is certainly a fiction, but they use it in the information war.

So the ultra-right will say that they will reduce the spending of money on everything else except the personal needs of citizens. And this is exactly what Putin really needs. There is a direct correlation here : the longer the war in Ukraine, the greater the risk of a significant “correction” of European policy, which will then lead to great tragedies in these countries. Because the right always speaks well, and then conflicts begin, authoritarian models of governance, conflicts with neighbors, support for expansionism.

Therefore, Europeans need to understand that when they invest in Ukraine today, they are investing in their security. This is a direct financial payment, a document that clearly states that Europeans are financing their security.

Ukraine’s victory will make it possible to rebuild the security system, significantly reduce the pressure on European countries from migrants, significantly reduce other conflict regions, in particular escalation in them, and significantly reduce the influence of aggressive speculative propaganda and Nazi ideology, the key donor of which is Russia.

Then the Europeans get a certain period of time in order to hold an internal discussion on the rules that they need. And the far right will be marginalized, will go into their niches that they had there 20 years ago, 2 – 5% maximum.

Read the second part of the interview with Mikhail Podolyak soon on the 24 Channel website.

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