Home » Why on some streets the lights are turned off several times, but not on others: an explanation of oblenergo

Why on some streets the lights are turned off several times, but not on others: an explanation of oblenergo

by alex

In Chernihiv, the lights are turned off unevenly, that is, on some streets several times, but not on others. The oblenergo told why this is happening.

JSC “Chernigovoblenergo” is not able to apply the restriction schedules evenly. Therefore, the light is turned off somewhere, but not somewhere.

Power engineers said why the light does not turn off evenly

Power engineers said that uneven the power outage is related to:

  • configuration of the normal power supply scheme,
  • location of switching devices,
  • speed of execution of instructions or orders of the NPC “Ukrenergo” dispatcher and etc

In addition, emergency shutdown schedules are drawn up taking into account the power supply schemes of consumers and the special procedure for limiting or disconnecting protected consumers.

These schemes, in turn, are drawn up together with the distribution system operator and consumers. Therefore, for objective reasons, there is no way to evenly involve all electricity consumers in the schedules of restrictions.

Which regions reduced electricity consumption the most

Prime Minister Denys Shmihal said that on October 20, Ukrainians in the evening reduced consumption by 5.4% compared to the previous day.

This is our answer to the enemy and so it is necessary to continue! – stressed the head of government.

According to him, the most reduced electricity consumption:

  • Chernivtsi region,
  • Khmelnytsky region,
  • < li>Poltava region,

  • Sumy region.

“Let's continue to help our energy system and power engineers throughout the country and use electricity economically for this,” the prime minister called.< /p>

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