Home » Why is it important to support Ukrainian banks

Why is it important to support Ukrainian banks

by alex

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< /p>Ukrainian banks need support/PaySpace Magazine

The last months have become a difficult test for Ukraine, our economy, business and ordinary citizens. Against the backdrop of Russia's cynical and unprovoked war against Ukraine, it is necessary to build a new way of life and do everything to preserve and further develop the country.

Ukraine has been resisting the Russian invasion for more than 100 days of a full-scale invasion. Important elements of this resistance are the economy and the banking system. This is an important rear for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and all law enforcement agencies that protect Ukraine at all possible levels.

Ukraine is above all

To help the Ukrainian economy and business survive and continue to function normally within the power of everyone. It is important that you do not need to own any large capital or make super profits for this.

One of the key points for this sector is the continuous flow of funds. It should be remembered that the state of the economy, which withstood the first powerful blow, depends on the investment climate, and the scope for business, and the “weight” of the wallets of ordinary citizens.

That is why at this time, special attention should be paid to the national banking sector. The fact is that it is Ukrainian banks that focus on supporting the economy and business in Ukraine, in contrast to financial institutions with foreign capital. After all, they are aware of the importance of all of the above factors for the successful future of our country.

Obviously, confidence in the bank is an important factor for everyone. But the banking sector of Ukraine has proven to be extremely resilient, adaptable and effective in the face of powerful challenges, continuing to work effectively and cooperate on adequate terms with everyone from ordinary customers to business representatives.

Actions speak for themselves

< p> One of the banks that immediately showed an active patriotic position is the state “Ukrgasbank”. To this end, the bank created and began to implement a number of important programs and initiatives. The main goal is to support the country's economy, business and Ukrainians.

The State Bank is not just a powerful taxpayer, but also helps the defenders of Ukraine and their families at various levels. Further, we use the language of facts and figures:

  • Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Ukrgasbank has paid income tax to the Ukrainian budget in advance. We are talking about the amount of 2.55 billion hryvnia;
  • as of mid-April, the bank transferred 380 million hryvnia for the needs of the defenders of Ukraine;
  • through “Ukrgasbank” have already purchased military bonds on 8 billion hryvnia.

In addition, soon the bank plans to introduce the possibility of acquiring military bonds, the funds from which go to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the stabilization of the financial sector of Ukraine through the Diya mobile application. While in the “ECObank Online” application, the clients of “Ukrgasbank” have the opportunity to transfer funds to the account of the “Turn back alive” fund, which deals only with providing the defenders of Ukraine with everything necessary.

< p>Why is it important to support Ukrainian banks

Ukrainians can purchase war bonds/photo by the Ministry of Defense

Creation of a new Ukraine

Another important area is assistance in the restoration of Ukrainian cities and towns affected by Russian occupiers. To do this, the bank created a charitable deposit “Let's Rebuild Cities Together” for everyone who wants to help step by step create a new face of our state.

At present, this program includes 40 cities and towns that have experienced the greatest blows from the Russians. The bank's clients have already opened special deposits in the amount of over UAH 76 million. Cities and towns that are now under the temporary control of the enemy will receive assistance immediately after liberation.

By the way, the state-owned “Ukrgasbank” in wartime has already made about 30 trade finance transactions to ensure critical imports of fossil fuels (gas, diesel, gasoline) in the amount of about 150 million euros. Support for such agreements of the bank is traditionally provided by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (London).

What the bank offers

Ukrgasbank actively cooperates with private and corporate clients, as well as with representatives of medium and small business in all regions of Ukraine. Almost 95% of the bank's share capital belongs to the state. For a financial institution, the trust of customers is very important. A few proofs of this:

  • as of June 1, 2022, the portfolio of funds in the accounts of Ukrgasbank's small and medium-sized businesses has increased by UAH 1.64 billion since the beginning of the war;
  • today, this figure has crossed the mark of UAH 13 billion, reaching maximum value for the bank;
  • the portfolio of new funds of private clients on bank accounts has increased by UAH 400 million since the beginning of the war.

Why is it important to support Ukrainian banks

However, Ukrgasbank needs support in the form of financial assets and clients to achieve several important goals. First of all, we are talking about further financing of the economy, especially during the war, as well as the intention to maintain the existing level of efficiency, volume and pace of work. Ukrgasbank primarily focuses on the importance of real contributions to our common victory.

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