Home » Who will help Ukraine restore cities after the war with Russia

Who will help Ukraine restore cities after the war with Russia

by alex

Who will help Ukraine restore cities after the war with Russia/Photo by the press service of the Azov Regiment

< strong _ngcontent-sc83="">No country has ever joined (EU – Channel 24) while at war at the same time. The post-war reconstruction of our country will be dealt with at two levels at once. Read more in the exclusive blog for the Channel 24 website.

The first will be the public sector, that is, the provision of money at the level of the EU states. All states should contribute to a common fund to help Ukraine. The UK will also join the fundraising.

How Ukraine will be helped

Earlier, Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki announced the approval of an analogue of the “Marshall Plan” to direct resources for the post-war restoration of Ukrainian infrastructure. The total amount from the EU will be 100 billion dollars.

The private sector will be next. Here, TNCs (transnational corporations) will take over. They will give money for the restoration of individual regions and for individual projects. The emphasis will be on Kyiv, Kharkov and Mariupol. The restoration of ORDLO will be financed separately.

Who will help Ukraine restore cities after the war with Russia

Ukraine will be helped to restore cities/Photo by Valentina Polishchuk, Channel 24

What will happen to the security sphere after EU Accession

Now, in my opinion, ideas about the need to create a single European army and a supranational body like a common EU defense ministry are sounding more and more actively and boldly. This idea is strongly supported by the “leaders” of the EU – Germany and France. But how it will actually be is still unknown.

The only known fact is that if EU members are disappointed in the actions and capabilities of NATO, the EU itself simply does not have its own defense capabilities. Back in 2018, this idea was considered harmful. However, in modern conditions, everything is changing.

NATO is unable to act from a position of strength. It is frankly afraid of Russia. Previously, the United States opposed the creation of a separate defense department based on the EU, appealing to the fact that the emergence of another military association would entail competition between departments.

At the same time, if the Alliance cannot be a security guarantor for Western countries, then why not this function to take over by the European Union? s-rossiej-253fef8.jpg” alt=”Who will help Ukraine rebuild cities after the war with Russia” />

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