< IMG Title = "Who is considered a member of the soldier’s family: the list of persons" width = "632" height = "356" src = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/02 /17/hto-vvazhayetsya-chlenom-rodyny-vijskovosluzhbovczya-632x356.jpg" class="attachment-_as_632_356 size-_as_632_356 wp-post-image" alt="хто вважається членом родини військовослужбовця" srcset="https://cdn. Fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/17/hto-vvazhayetsya-chlenom-rodyny-vijskovobovcya-632x356.jpg, https://cdn.fakty.fakty. UA/WP-Content/Uploads /2025/17/hto-vvazhayetsya-chlenom-rodyny-vijskovosluzhbovczya-300x169.jpg 300w, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/17/HTO-VVAZHAYETSYA- chlenom-rodyny-vijskovosluzhbovczya-768x432.jpg 768w, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/17/hto-vvazhayetsya-chlenom-rodyny-vijskovosluzhbovczya-200x113.jpg 200w, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-cloads/2025/02/17/hto-vvazhayetsya-chlenom-vijskovosluzhbovczya.jpg 1280w "sizes =" (Max-width: 6 32px) 100VW, 632PX "Decoding =" async " /> < p > military personnel who have the status of a participant in hostilities (UBD), as well as members of their families, are entitled to receive a number of benefits provided for by the legislation of Ukraine. 62> facts ICTV found out who is considered a member of the military family.
< h2 > how are the relatives of the military
< p > in accordance with < b > Article 3 of the Family Code of Ukraine, the family is the primary and main cell of society. It is < strong > persons who live jointly, are related to a common life, have mutual rights and obligations . Spouses can be considered a family even when the husband and wife do not live together in connection with study, work, treatment or the need to care for parents or children. < p > now they are watching < p > legal norms provide for the possibility of distributing family members into two groups regarding the right to benefits for payment of housing and utilities. < strong > first group are a husband or wife, as well as their children and parents.
< p > these persons are recognized as family members and have the right to appropriate benefits if they live with a military. In cases provided for by law, they must also conduct joint farming. At the same time, it does not matter for children whether they are born in marriage or outside of it.< p >Ко второй группе относятся другие лица, постоянно проживающие вместе с субъектом права на льготы и ведущие с ним совместное хозяйство. Among them — не только близкие родственники (родные братья, сестры, внуки, дедушка, бабушка), но и другие родственники или лица, не имеющие непосредственных семейных связей с военнослужащим. К ним относятся, в частности, зять, невестка, неполнородные братья и сестры, отчим, мачеха, опекуны, попечители, пасынки и падчерицы.
Признание членом семьи лиц, не являющихся супругами, детьми или родителями военнослужащего, осуществляется соответствующими органами и организациями. В случае возникновения споров такие вопросы рассматриваются судами общей юрисдикции, которые анализируют характер отношений между заявителем и субъектом права на льготы.
< p > who is considered the family of a soldier and is not connected by blood ties:
< ul > < li > person who is with him in related or marriage relationships;
< li >A person who constantly lives with him and conducts a joint farm.
< h2 > who is considered a member of the military family and can receive payments in case of his death
< p > in 2024, certain changes occurred in the legislation, in particular, in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ~ 60 > No. 168, a list of persons that may have expanded that can be expanded Get payments in case of death or death of the military. Now it is not necessary to be family members who are associated with blood ties or marriage.
< p > who is a member of the military family and can receive payments in case of death:
< ul > < Li > children of the deceased (deceased), including adopted, as well as those who were conceived during the life of the military and born after his death. Payments can also be received by children in respect of whom the deceased was deprived of parental rights. < li > one of the spouses who survived the deceased or deceased soldier.
< li > civilian wife or husband, if they lived with the dead with the same family without official marriage, were not married to other persons and this fact was confirmed by a court decision that entered into legal force.
< li > dependents of the deceased (deceased) — Members of his family, who were in full content of the military or received material assistance from him, which was the main source of existence for them.
< p >