Home » Where do disputes arise in society about the light of a neighbor and who is more Ukrainian

Where do disputes arise in society about the light of a neighbor and who is more Ukrainian

by alex

During a long war – and we have a long war – one of the key crises is the crisis of social tension. It can be measured by the primitive formula “fatigue+distrust=tension”.

Everyone should work and suffer the same way

Fatigue directly depends from the situation at the front. Not even from the length of the conflict. There is progress, there are victories – fatigue subsides, and with it tension also falls.

When there are no victories and even no defeats, fatigue grows. Because victories give hope, and hope is the strongest thing.

Distrust, like fatigue, is a relative concept and cannot be measured by “distrust”. The key concept in understanding mistrust is the concept of justice, which is different for everyone. The general principle for most people is simple: in the same boat, everyone should work, and, most importantly, everyone should suffer the same way.

Hence the complaints about those who have light from those who do not, hence the disputes about who is more Ukrainian, among those who left and who stayed, hence the reaction to Kolya Tishchenko in Thailand. We can treat it as we please, but it is. We are tired and angry.

The system breaks under the pressure of tension

The tension will rise and fall. But even now I can see even by myself that the number of things that infuriate me has increased dramatically, and the actions of idiots like Tishchenko do not help me calm down. I do not think I will be mistaken if I say that there is tension in society.

And just as weak bones in the body break first under excess weight, so in a country under pressure, tension tears where it is weak. And it is weak in the parliament, weak in the courts, weak in the bureaucracy, weak among the Soviet generals and the Soviet system of institutions, periodically posing as modern and modern. Pain comes from there, and the skeleton breaks there.

We can and must strengthen the body of the country right now. Strengthen the weak, shape the new, improve and build. You can not postpone everything for “after the victory.” We deserve a new Ukraine. Really deserved.

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