Home ยป When doctors are powerless: Medvedev threatened Europe with “disappearance” after Zelensky's visit

When doctors are powerless: Medvedev threatened Europe with “disappearance” after Zelensky's visit

by alex

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev decided to comment on Vladimir Zelensky's business trip to Europe. However, in the end, he only once again confirmed that his psychiatrist was not a sufficiently qualified specialist, because he could not cope with his mental disabilities.

Vladimir Zelensky had a real diplomatic marathon this week, because he managed to visit London, and Paris, and Brussels. Medvedev then expressed in writing his dissatisfaction with the fact that the leaders of European countries supported Ukraine. Channel 24 informs about this with a link and the telegram channel of the odious politician.

Russia blames Ukraine for its own problems

Note that Medvedev is the deputy head of the Russian Security Council. The position seems to be important, but in fact he does not decide anything, and therefore, in order to pass the time, he writes nonsense on his social networks. In particular, he called Zelensky's meetings with Macron, Scholz, Sunak allegedly a “circus”.

Live broadcasts, front pages of newspapers, photos with European bosses. The apogee of the “circus of freaks” was an audience with a green greasy T-shirt from the British monarch, he wrote.

At the same time, Medvedev “assured” that the Ukrainian authorities allegedly forcibly send people to the front, but for some reason forgot to say that the Kremlin is still mobilizing, because Putin has not yet issued a corresponding order to end it. He also said that “Ukraine brought only problems to Europe”, but did not write that it was Russia that unleashed this war. In a word, the Russian senile accused the Ukrainian president and the entire state of what Russia itself is to blame for.

In conclusion, he said that European civilization would “disappear” due to support for Ukraine, although, obviously, this applies before all of Russia.

Pay attention! It is better not to read the original “statements” of Russian politicians about Ukraine, because it can shake the emotional state. Actually, such statements are part of the information and psychological operations of the enemy – the Kremlin wants the Ukrainians to be “pumped up” with negativity. On this topic, we recall the words of experts who believe that Zelensky's tour of Europe was a phenomenal success. It shattered Kremlin propaganda narratives that the event was “war-weary.” Moreover, MEP Rasa Jukneviciene stressed that the head of our state is the president of the entire free world. Therefore, it is not surprising that after that Medvedev completely lost his common sense.

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