Home » What's Really Behind Orban's “Peace Initiatives”: Diplomat Explains

What's Really Behind Orban's “Peace Initiatives”: Diplomat Explains

by alex

~6 0~p>Putin seized the opportunity of Hungary's EU presidency.

The so-called “peace initiatives” of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán – nothing more than “separate actions”.

This opinion was expressed by Ukrainian diplomat Konstantin Eliseev.

Orban's initiative – challenge the consolidated position of the EU and NATO to support Ukraine and isolate the aggressor. This is another reason to activate the application of Article 7 of the Lisbon Treaty in order to punish Budapest and prevent such separate actions in the future,” his message says.

In his opinion, Orban’s plan is “the result of shortcomings on the Ukrainian side, because the lack of genuine dialogue between Kiev and Budapest has dragged on for too long and there has clearly not been enough emergency contacts recently.”

“Despite six months of intensified contacts and preparations for a potential meeting with Orban, Zelensky has not found effective and convincing arguments to, if not convince, then at least make the Hungarian side doubt their approaches and trust in Moscow “, he noted.

Eliseev believes that “in the Ukraine-Hungary diplomatic match the score is 0:2”, since, according to the diplomat, Kyiv was subjected to 11 “extremely dangerous conditions of Hungary on the affairs of national minorities” and did not secure a negative scenario for the development of events in contacts between Budapest and Moscow.

“Putin took the opportunity to present to the West, represented by the country presiding over the EU, his own plan for the capitulation of Ukraine and ending the war; but Orban avoided any public mention of the Ukrainian “peace formula” to the Russian leader, condemnation of an aggressive war,” the diplomat emphasized.

He added that Orbán’s “peacekeeping visits” to Kyiv and Moscow are just the beginning of Orbán’s diplomatic campaign, “for which neither the role of the EU Council Presidency nor the signature on the Peace Summit Communiqué is an obstacle.”

Recall that American ISW ​​analysts believe that Orban is trying to disrupt support for Ukraine with calls for peace negotiations.

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